Ever been lied to by anyone on this forum?

by snarf 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • LiveLife

    Not that I know of.

    I have agreed online to do certain things that I found out later I couldn't do because my life situation changed radically very quickly. I don't consider that lying, though. No one can know what the next day will bring. All promises are contingent on capability, and capability can change anytime.

    I also haven't lied to anyone on this forum (as far as I know). But I agree with the other poster who said opinions/beliefs/ideas can change. These forums capture thoughts in a snapshot style. Snapshots never represent the person.

    Live Life (formerly AuldSoul)

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I have not been lied to as far as I know. Ive never lied on this or any forum. I have omitted some details of my life because I am still technically active and am not ready to be identified. I dont want my witness relatives (few as they are) and close JW friends (even fewer) to be forced to make a choice about associating with me in public. I have left out details of some of my experiences for the same reason. One day, I will tell the whole story here.

    One poster here, Choosing Life, I believe has figured out who I am, and I am fairly certain I know who that person is (notice my lack of pronouns when describing CL). They have not outed me and I appreciate that very much. I tell that person that their secret is also safe with me. They still have family in too. We have PMd back and forth a few times, comparing notes...I think we are both afraid to confirm the others identity. I respect that. As far as I know, they are inactive and not attending at all....good for them...soon I will be there too. I hope CL is doing OK....I appreciated their comments before I knew they were local, I am more appreciative now that I believe I know them personally.

    Thank to all of you who are upfront and truthful....much better than what I experienced growing up in the Borg

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "up front and in your face" Sheep Class)

  • minimus

    HS's comment.

    There are some posters that come on here every so often that I think are full of bull. I think there stories are either ridiculous or they seem to always get caught in lies.

  • hillary_step


    HS's comment.

    Oh yes, I recall that I once referred to you as a liar.



  • snarf


    I don't remember naming names. Only that individual and I know what it was about and really it had no bearing on me or my opinion of that person. Next time I will do it in a private p.m. though..

    I simply asked about the topic because afterall it is the internet and liars seem to be everywhere else so why not here?

  • bikerchic

    I'm shocked!


    , the gumfibber, promised me a shine. Never got one.alt

    To this day, I is a dull boy.

    I never knew this about you James and here all along I thought you were, well you were...straight. Sigh.

  • nvrgnbk


    To the person out there that got me thinking of this post....NO HARD FEELINGS AT ALL, STILL FRIENDS

    Nothing guarantees that warm fuzzy feeling and cements a friendship quite like publicly calling the person a liar.


    Thanks HS! That's the hardest I've laughed in ages.

    Good catch bikerchic. I too was shocked, in the most positive way possible, by what JT said about his sack. Who knew?

  • bikerchic
    Good catch bikerchic. I too was shocked, in the most positive way possible, by what JT said about his sack. Who knew?

    More than that who wanted to know?


    I feel a little different about James now, like maybe he's human after all?

  • JamesThomas

    Not to worry. I'm probably even less gay than LittleToe, cause I don't wear a skirt.

    A sack shine is a humorous, strange, but good natured term of endearment that good old Gumster started that even us pathetic womanizers can use as it has nothin to do with ones sexual orientation.......

    at least I never thought it did


  • eclipse


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