Thank you all for your comments on my second article, which are much appreciated and will all be studied here. I am afraid the article not only had to wait for space for several days to get in the Guardian at all but was even so cut back quite a lot - space is at a premium in all newspapers these days.
Those of you who know about newspapers will know I had nothing to do with the headline, which was constructed by a sub-editor preparing the text for publication, but I absolutely endorse it. As a number of you have pointed out, it is hard to think of any other description for the Watchtower Society's activities.
The bird seed reference was one sentence that survived, probably because of the incredulity of all of us here at the contempt followers clearly have for those not of their persuasion. There doesn't seem to be much Christian tolerance or love there (perhaps I was naive to expect it) - but again, as someone said, maybe readers will now be alert to what some JWs really think of them as they stand on their doorsteps.
I suppose none of us can disguise prejudice but as a non-JW I can only repeat that I knew nothing to the society's detriment until I started researching and reporting on all this. I am overwhelmed by the amount of hurt and despair about the organisation revealed by the contributors to this discussion forum. Any religious organisation which generates all this must surely have a warped influence and outlook and ought to be asking itself serious questions, especially when it has been shown to be so venal in its behaviour towards its own adherents.
A further article, synthesising the two that have already appeared will be published in this week's edition of Guardian Weekly, which is available around the world and publishes a digest of articles from the Guardian and its sister publications, the Washington Post and Le Monde, but, as yet, I have no plans for any further pieces in the Guardian newspaper in UK - unless I hear from you!
All best wishes and thanks for your comments once again.
Steve Bates