In the 1950's I remember they used to say what they were disfellowshipped for, whether it be fornication, stealing, etc. Then it was disfellowshipped for "loose conduct", then "conduct not becoming a Christian." Then it was simply "disfellowshipped" or "disassociated." Now its "Brother/Sister *** is not longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Does anyone else remember it that way?
Sister/Brother *** is disfellowshipped for.....
by Bonnie_Clyde 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm not old enough to remember when it was announced that way...but, if that is the case, then that means, that people were DF'd based on what they did, Not based on repentance.
choosing life
Yep, that's the way I see it too. Only now they make sure everyone knows why they made that announcement a couple of weeks later when they give the local needs part and blatantly tell all but the tiniest details.
I remember looking forward to those local needs parts to break the monotony and hear the latest gossip. I am ashamed of that now.
I remember it that way. I was 4 years old when I asked my mom what fornication was. She asked me where I had heard that word. I told her at the Kingdom Hall. Her answer was pretty good: It's something Jehovah's Witnesses aren't supposed to do.
I was too oblivious to realize that the local needs parts were in regards to my congregation....I ignorantly thought it was in regards to the town, or circuit of the was I dumb! I would never have a clue about who they were talking about.
NOw, they have simplified the disfellowshipping / dissasociating announcement to protect them form being sued. Now the congregation is totally in the dark about if the person LEFT on their own, or were removed...boy, how convenient for the Society
Yup...and there was a time you could send in a da letter and not be shunned...
The change in announcement style is also a public relations move so that they can say that no one is expelled from the congregation. People by their actions "choose" to not be a part of the religion any longer. Yeah right!
Yes, growing up in the organization, I remember them stating why people were disfellowshipped.
With so very little new light coming through in these deep, dark days before the end, the simple announcement that "Brother *** is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" is as sure to get the local kingdom hall gossip mill into high activity as was the juicier earlier announcements that specified the sin.
That's what I remember B&C.