Just reading Frequent Flyer Miles on the subject of feeling guilty for having a happy marriage with a non-JW.
In our congregation which I haven't attended for about a year, I can only think of two or three who seem to be happy. Of course, I don't know what happens behind closed doors, but I know of several who admit they are unhappy. I wrote out a long list of couples who have divorced over the last 20 years--including three elders (one is on his second divorce). One elder ran off with his cousin's wife (his cousin was a fellow elder). Just a few weeks earlier he was involved in disfellowshipping a young sister who was pregnant out of wedlock. I could go on and on about the immorality that has gone on in this congregation. From what I'm seeing on this forum, this is pretty common everywhere.
I've said it before and I'll say it again--we are no better and no worse than any other religion.