No DC next year, last DC?

by doinmypart 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    I have worked in DC planning and they start planning the next one usually before the current one is attended. Planning for a DC usually starts about 18 months in advance.

    Prolly just a scare tactic.

    Or a big build up to nothing like we've seen so often before

  • purplesofa

    hi doinmypart

    good to see you


  • sspo

    If they eliminated them, 99% of the witnesses would rejoice and leap for joy.

    Very few witnesses enjoy the conventions.

  • Elsewhere

    They always say crap like: "This COULD be the last DC!!!"

    It's total BS meant to get JWs all excited. They have said that at every single DC I attended while growing up.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    DC next year? YES..its a money maker/rally the troops tool. SAME VENUE next year? MAYBE.

    I may have posted this previously, but there was a convention in the midwest held in the state capital for many years. The Borg negotiated rates in the contract every year, but the city tourism bureau always reimbursed the Borg the FULL costs because of all the hotel/food/tourism revenue generated by the 1 or 2 conventions held. YET, this year the Borg decided to move the convention 45 min north to a new venue and signed a multiyear contract, Why? The original city venue upped the prices on the contract. The Tourism Bureau was STILL willing to reimburse the full contract why not stay? The answer is the BIG PICTURE: If the Borg accepted the new higher price (and stepped outside of the Borg's secret formula for deciding what to pay), then other venues... where they DONT get reimbursed, would start digging in their heels and start fighting the Society's formula. I know this to be true because I spoke with someone involved in contract negotiations for the the record of course....except here...

    Believe me, these venue operators/managers all talk to each other off the record and compare notes. It would only take one time for the Society to accept higher prices and it would domino across the country. THEN the Borg could not afford the venues for very long...oh, scratch that...they CAN afford it....their PROFIT margin would go way down. dollar signs smiley

    SnakesInTheTower (of the Undercover Sheep Class)

  • Gordy

    I seem to recall that at last years conventions they said something, that had everyone coming away from them thinking Armageddon would be happen by end of year.

    Comments where made such as "Two sisters overheard leaving convention One says "See you will have to get your husband in now, it will be to late by end of year."

    But its always been a case of "Will this have been the last convvention?"

  • JeffT

    Yes I heard this.

    In 1975.

  • greendawn

    Are the dubs getting tired of donating to the org for the sake of long and boring conventions? But somehow I can't see the WTS giving them up, they are good propaganda value directed to large numbers of dubs also with those highly manipulative dramas.

  • jaguarbass

    It sounds like they havent planned it yet. How longs it take to plan one a fifteen minutes.

    They dont have any new information to give anyone. The bibles an old book.

    I gues they could come up with a new understanding.

    That would be that they dont understand.

  • bigdreaux

    IPsec, i hope you are correct on the big build up thing. if they predict another date, and my parents try to get me to go back because of it, i will tell them to write down how they are feeling at that moment, and, who put those hopes into them, so, when it falls through- again- they will have a nice little reminder that they cannot blame on anyone else except the society.

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