What happens when I want out? I'm bound in the walls that I myself built.
I'm honestly not saying that what I do is entirely bad or wrong- but I try to understand why.
Richie, what you are experiencing is very profound. You are becoming aware of the walls that you built yourself. However, it wasn't really you that built them, so much as the mind's construction of "self", a false self, that is the ego.
The ego is nothing but a box full of beliefs, memories and pictures that the mind weaves into a "self", a "me". In support of the belief that our beloved box-hood is legitimate, the mind places everything and everyone else in a box: "See. my box called "me" is real, because you're a box too". Of course this is absurd. The existence of one lie does not prove another lie to be true.
Perhaps asking "why"? will only give the mind further opportunity to create a box-story to support the box-world. I have found that the house of cards collapses merely by nonjudgmentally (there are no enemies here) watching the dynamics of the mind and so seeing clearly the illusory aspects which we before thought were significant and real. Does this make sense? it's about being acutely aware of the mental commentaries and structuring that is going on; and it is in this sincere and open observing and witnessing that the answer is revealed by simply seeing there is no real problem other than we were ignorantly living a charade. It's that simple. Your awareness will reveal all.
Calmly watch the mind as it weaves the story of "me" and "other". Is that which is closest, the actual awareness of the story, in anyway truly part of the story? Do you see where we're going with this? We are using clear observation to uncover what you really are. Once this first and most important piece is in place, then the rest of the universe is seen through clear and true eyes. As long as we are behind the prison walls, in the box, looking through box-eyes, only a false box-world is seen. See true and clear and your prison walls evaporate, for both you and the universe around you......others may still see walls, but you unequivocally know they are unreal.
Continue to question and quietly observe.