The alarm goes off when an intruder breaks in. You hear the bell ringing.
Another sort of "alarm" goes off when somebody is hijacking your MIND.
It is the sound of REdefinition. Ordinary, everyday, useful words are changed and inserted back into discussion.
This subtle re-engineering then controls your mind.
The Jehovah's Witnesses do this with simple words like "Truth". Suddenly, being a JW puts you in THE TRUTH. Truth is good, right?
So too, with quackery of any sort.
Ordinary words, concepts, reasonings are given subtle changes in definition and use. Something "extra" appears!
To entertain discussion about the Paranormal violence must be done conceptually by destroying sensible vocabulary. Neologisms appear. We go from:
1.Sensory perception to EXTRA sensory perception.
2.Reality blossoms into TRANSCENDANT reality.
3.Normalbecomes PARAnormal.
4.Energybecomes.....vague be-all/end-all maguffin explanations for whatever pops into the mind.
What all this amounts to is changing the rules of the game in order to either make it more interesting (for the rule maker) or to gain power/prestige over gullible others.
Imagine one football team playing another and the 2nd team suddenly runs a man into out-of-bounds and makes a touchdown. When the penalty flags fly the 2nd team declares they entered a "Phantom Zone" which only they can see. If the point is denied to their team they declare the referee to be close-minded and short-sighted!
Or, how about a boss that pays their workers on Payday with "invisible energy cash" which he claims is "transcendant" to actual currency??
You see, nobody would accept this sort of mumbo jumo for one second because it violates personal reality so flagrantly it would be untenable.
Here is something to think about. It is important to consider in any discussion of this sort.
Where you place your focus is vital to what you see.
Under-defining our reality and over-defining is a matter of focus
It does no good when reading a sentence to infatuate your attention with the fact that words are composed of letters which, themselves, are composed of pixels. It is completely beside the point to reading comprehension.
Science and Physics particularly tell us the universe is made up of pixels, too. (They call them atoms.) The atoms, it seems, are made up of protons, neutrons, electrons. And, perhaps, all that is made up of waves, strings, etc. However, as a practical matter, we pick up an egg and crack the shell to create a scrambled breakfast. We don't manipulate atomic wave/particle dualities! It is irrelevant.
Where you place your focus is where you place your standard. Where you place your standard is where your comprehension begins.
Still with me?
Conclusion: DISCUSSIONs OF THE PARANORMAL switch from context and standard to musings about pixels! Chalk and cheese!
The trap is in allowing somebody to foist TWO standards of thought into a discussion simultaneously! Otherwise, you end up talking about the sound of Yellow and the taste of noise or the texture of aroma. IT WORKS FOR POETRY but is damned useless to analytical comprehension of reality.