Open Discussions About The Paranormal

by The wanderer 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Open Discussions About The Para normal

    Several times threads would feature a particular discussion about the paranormal.
    In the past, discussions featured ghosts, unidentified flying objects, Ouija boards,
    and other similar topics which correlate to the paranormal.

    Some Individuals Are “Put Off” With The Subject

    On several occasions, it could not be helped but to notice that individuals who
    were having these discussions were often heckled, insulted or criticized by those
    who were somehow “put off” or offended by the discussion.

    If an individual is confident and convinced that, his is the “right path”, then why do
    they feel a need to belittle others who are engaged in a harmless discussion?

    My impression about individuals who engage in these actions are that they seem
    to be as curious as everyone else about the subject, but in order to “save face”
    and “appease” others who think as they do, they opt to engage in a ridicule
    campaign of sorts.

    What are your thoughts governing this issue?



  • Insomniac

    I try to keep an open mind about the paranormal stuff. Even if it's something that I personally think is hogwash, well I can't recall anyone appointing me the great authority on what we should all believe. So, I try not to ridicule others for showing curiosity in those things. Most of us here spent a chunk of our lives being told what we could believe, what we could read, what we could think about; it's a sad thing when we try to impose thought-control on others.

  • Elsewhere
    then why do they feel a need to belittle others who are engaged in a harmless discussion?

    Because, when people disseminate false information and superstitions they are harming society as a whole by causing people to suspend logic and reason in favor of fantasy and fairytales.

    Bullsht KILLS.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Elsewhere said it perfectly.

  • Hermano

    Sounds like the Watchtower. Closed minded, dogmatic, sooooo convinced that they have the absolute truth....

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I think the key word in your post, Wanderer, was DISCUSSION. You don't have to buy into others beliefs and can even point out the fallacies that you see. I really don't like to see people get to the point where they just resort to putting a poster down rather than having a discussion.

  • Mum

    I agree with choosing life. Anything should be open for discussion. I certainly no longer claim to know that which cannot be known.



  • nvrgnbk

    I defend the right to open discussion about anything.

    We had that taken away from us as Witnesses.

    I can only say about this subject that though I see wonder and beauty and interesting connections in the Universe, I have yet to experience anything that is typically classified as paranormal.

    Thanks Richard.


  • knock knock
    knock knock

    So how do you feel about those that believe in an alleged paranormal event, for example, and despite good evidence if not outright proof to the contrary they start ridiculing those not upholding the paranormal party line. That is what gets to me.

    Now, I used to believe in the ghost/goblin/demon theory of unexplained events - that jw thing you know - but not anymore. The people that I know and have known that have stories of the paranormal to tell, and there are quite a few, I don't view as reliable based on many of their observations in life; not just because of their supernatural tales. They just seem to be tweaked a little off center lets say. I am not implying that everyone experiencing a strange event is a bit off the wall though. Some things just defy explanation but I have to go in with an extra healthy dose of skepticism and look for a less than supernatural explanation.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I prefer to believe in that which can be measured, observed and confirmed.

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