I have been working on this article for quite some time as it kept getting longer and longer. If you do not have time to read it all can you please just scan the headings and tell me if there is anything that I have missed.
The things that are Wrong with being a JW
by jwfacts 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals
keyser soze
I'd say that pretty much covers it. Well done!
It's excellent!
When you finish it, let us know, I will share it with everyone that I can.
not bad for an apostate...
Well done!!!!!
Very well done jwfacts! We appreciate the hard work you put into that.
Nevada & Atlantis-
IT Support
Excellent, very comprehensive.
What is the page's URL? (I would like to print it out for my family.)
I like the way you listed pro's and con's in your introduction, but I have one problem already.
Under the heading of Spirituality-Two Class System, you claim that "Followers do not recieve Holy Spirit" and "Followers do not have Jesus as mediator".
I was raised a JW, and left when I was 16. I am now 28, and I have never heard anything like that. The majority of my imediate family are JW's and I am sure you are way off on that one bud. They don't teach that at all. If the followers didn't believe Jesus was there personal mediator, then why are they encouraged to say "in Jesus's name, Amen" at the end of the prayer? And they all certainly believe they can recieve the Holy Spirit.
I doubt I will read more after this misrepresentation of their beliefs.
I should add to my above post that I am well aware of the false teachings over the years and many other things. I don't argue that. But I feel it is important to aproach an arguement with the facts BEFORE tearing apart your adversary. Otherwise you don't have a leg to stand on.
I did read the rest of your article. One thing that has been posted so many times is the arguement concerning the Witnesses always saying the end is just around the corner. Many other Christian Religions teach the same thing! Many religions are saying we are living in the time of the end. The J-Dubs might have been pushing longer, thats all.
They're guilty on the failed predictions part and medical issues, no doubt. Also shunning, but so is the Catholic Church. Excommunication. But J-Dubs took that to a higher level as well.
I'd say the Organization is just trying to be "all they can be" in a world full of other religions they feel are competing with them. They always try to take it to the next level. It's simple. I certainly would like to see the end of the Organization. They have torn my entire family apart.
This is all just constructive critisism.
Thanks for the comments.
IT support the URL is http://www.jehovah.net.au/whats_wrong.html
Green Machine, I can assure that what I have written is 100% correct. Jesus is not mediator to any but the 144000 in Watchtower theology. If you read the entire article you will see it supported by quotes. Also see http://jehovah.net.au/mediator.html for more information on this. You do make a good point, most JWs are not very well versed in their own doctrine and few are aware of this. I will need to reword the introduction somewhat to prevent JWs reading further.