If it was you, what would be your TOP 5 eye opening issues in a composition of things to give to a witness.
1.You are proposing to take away from people the most important thing in their lives. Consider that very carefully. It is an act of intellectual violence!
2.There is no way they can read a few words on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and change their world view. That would be ridiculous.
3.Belief has nothing to do with facts. Belief has everything to do with lifestyle, companionship, a community of shared purpose and an investment of emotions.
4.Your best shot is to present an EXAMPLE (i.e. "yourself"). If you aren't a better person, right now, than they are and if you don't have a much, much better life because of your beliefs--you will be guility of the worst hypocricy. You are asking them to trade lives, as it were.
5.Your own life story is really what you are selling. How does it demonstrate a better life for them to go through what you have gone through?
6.The Watchtower Organization is their MOTHER! If you defame, ridicule or accuse somebody's MOTHER of evil---what reaction do you expect to get?
7.Good and honest people are attracted by sincerety, honesty, example, warmth, facts, a mild presentation and GENUINE affection. Can you offer all that, or, just some list of atomic explosions that rock their world. The best remedy for wrong ideas is better ideas. What better ideas can you offer?
Think about this.
When you remove Jehovah, The Watchtower, the Kingdom Hall, and their brothers and sisters from somebody's life---you create a giant Black Hole that will be a mile wide. What do you have to fill it with?
What do you propose to replace each removal with that has EQUAL gravitas?
If you don't have something better--you are a soul killer.