I want to apologize to everyone, for everything.

by nvrgnbk 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Consider yourself lucky. I have never felt that I "fit in" anywhere in this world!

    Don't let the bastards get you down. Life is still good.


  • BlackPearl

    Purps, that is a great question, one that I never thought of. Nvr, are you going back?


  • Stealth453

    Bro....what the hell are you sorry for? Sorry, been off line for a while...lightning and antenai don't fair well. I sure as hell hope all is ok. Pm me if you need to talk.


  • quietlyleaving

    4,500 posts and you haven't told us your story - c'mon man - at least tell us how you are

  • zagor

    nvr, you always make me laugh, believe it or not when I saw the topic of your thread my first thought was "yep, I was expecting one of these days to see a thread like that from you" :) stop apologizing you've been nice to everyone ever since you've got here. If someone else is responding with nastiness to you they are just showing their ass**** side, thats not your fault but theirs.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis



    A little lost here.

    As for fitting in....hm, I think a good chunk of us don't feel like we fit in. That's why we're here. (or leave and come back and leave and come back...)

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    What the hell just happened here?


    NVr - come back and explain.

  • Gregor

    My guess as to why nvr has started this thread. A few minutes before he had posted a reply to my thread about the "F" word and I think it was edited by a mod. and he took offense.

    I've been in that situation and it does kind of smart when you are given a little spanking by a mod over something you felt was harmless.

    Maybe I'M WRONG. If so, it'll be the first time!

  • Blueblades

    NVR A picture is worth a thousand words. No need to apologize. Stay!


  • Open mind
    Open mind


    I need to see some works that befit repentance. So hurry up and change your avatar back to the "lawn lady" and all will be forgiven.

    C'mon bro. It takes a village to raise a bunch of misfits like me.

    Open Mind

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