A PUZZLING QUESTION...????...????...????

by Terry 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quentin

    What is salvation anyway? What is it we are saved from, this wretched thing we call life. Some fair better than others, but no one is spared. God's "sacred secret" is flawed, it is a human construct.

    Daily I see my wife continue to waste away from her bad health. There is no salvation, or redemption from it. The only thing that will save her from suffering is death. If she's been a good little girl she'll be rewarded, after she's deads and gone. Makes no sense.

    Now here's the thing. Kathy is tuff as an old boot. She refuses to let it get her down. What she does, to the best of her ability, is make life pleasent for those around her. Those with that attitude have a redemptive quility. Every day they attempt to spare others from the rigor of life. Doesen't matter who the others are. A pleasent smile to the harred clerk at the local Kroger, an atta boy to those you meet. Building up, not tearing down those around you, that is salvation, because, even if for a moment, you save them from this misery we all live.

    Salvation is not some vaugly promised reward you recieve when your dead. Salvation is the here and now, this moment in time every day. It is our gift to those around us. Sadly not many rise to that level. Yet those that do more often than not have no belife in God. Ironic.....

  • Tatiana
    If people of faith did not have their various hopes for a life after death scenario how many would actually continue to serve their God?
    A great many Jews do not believe in an afterlife. They are committed to the purpose of World Repair; leaving the world a better place than how they found it. One "mitzvah" a day at a time.

    A good question....if they gave a talk at the DC next week, and announced that Jehovah had instructed the GB to tell all witnesses they were wrong about the new earth, and there was no resurrection....Jehovah just needed them to remain faithful JWS....how many would stay? I think the world would be a better place if people focused on the here and now, and not some far off paradise that will never come. Stop leaving the fate of the earth in some spirit being's hands to fix, and fix it ourselves.

  • nvrgnbk
    too bad perhaps you need to talk to santa clause or too yourself. Because that is your god prove to me you exist? You've haven't done anything for me so you can't exist!

    But I have done something for you. I've interacted with you. You're responding to me. Do you respond to imaginary beings?

  • What-A-Coincidence
    But I have done something for you. I've interacted with you. You're responding to me. Do you respond to imaginary beings?

    nvrbigcat def interacted wid writetoknow


  • fifi40

    Dear writetoknow

    Just to clear matters up............I dont claim to be an atheist.............I sit firmly on the fence, having being taught all my life that there is a God, it is difficult to put that down completely..................but using my own reasoning I question the evidence of that God........I question the roots of religion.........and I observe how people become brainwashed and caught up in a whole load of pish that they never really checked out for themselves, adopting religious beliefs without checking the origin because it gives them hope........hope that they are not going to be nothing when they are dead.

    What I observe on this board is that there are a rare few who have a christian beliefs who attempt to ridicule and deride the atheist viewpoint...........and they do this with a superior, arrogant attitude.

    Now I am well aware that there are some real nice christians on this board who have great attitudes............Little Toe, Mouthy and I am sure there are loads more............and these are wonderful, interesting and intelligent people.

    But you smack of fundy to me............just in the way you come across. Now if that is not how you intend to be, then fine..........but you may want to think a little about the way you represent yourself ...........because the way I remember it is that Christians should be trying to win over non believers not put them off for life.

    So thats me down off my high horse.

    All the best to you and yours

  • writetoknow

    Well thank you for the corrections. First I am not trying to win someone over factually most people on this thread have their veiws set long before I came on this stie. Secondly for the person that talked about interaction with them proves they exist. I also interact with God so I no He exist!

    The point once again I did not start this post nor did I set the tone of this post. So its the old double standards this is "how christian are suppose to act" but we can say and do anything we want with whatever tone because we have a free ticket because we don't believe in God.

    If the tone is put back to you it is a superior attitude. The contemp for religion was here long before I came on board and it will be here long after I am gone. You have a right to state your contemp for religion you have your reasons many I am sure are valid reasons. And you have your experiences as well and your stero types of Christain also.

    When a person has a negative view of anything then they will find every possible reason to discredit it. All people think their balance and fair and we all have double standards. So when a person wants a conversation and they make dogmatic statements as though it can be proven be on a shadow of a doubt it is offensive be it your Christain or Pagan or Atheist.

    Life is not fair people are not fair and we want God to be fair. When we judge we get judged. I am being judged on this site because I judged. So there are invisible laws that apply to everyone equally and that's fair now isn't it?

    There more happiness in giving then receiving so when we discredit someones beliefs we get nothing back but ulginess because we are taking something from them called diginty. When we view people as enemies and less then we get back the same.

    Here is the chasm that exist: It is assumed that Christain don't have God's spirit and that they don't get their prayers answered and they haven't had God direct their lives. There is no proving that and yet there is no disproving it either.

    For JW"s & X most not all the majority never had that type of an experience. For them it was a personal interaction with an organization and doctrine. Why they did what they did was to get the approval of the people in that organization which they assumed was Jehovah God.

    It was an intellectaul physical experience not a spiritual one. For a witness to believe and act out of trust is almost impossible. It must be analysis to death found under questions from readers and passed by the elders.

    It is not possible to understand God with out faith or trust in Him. So a witnesses could never simply accept Christ into there heart because that requires faith. They could never trust God to direct their lives by His Holy Spirit that he would keep a promise he would give them the wisdom for every problem in time. That He would provide people and everything they needed for this life if they just believe.

    They can't understand faith which is trust. They understand you must trust people if you want a relationship with them but God can't be trusted outside of what JW's teach. The foundation of Christainty is faith it does not exist outside of having faith.

    That is why an honest heart JW's when they come across people of other faiths that are direct by God in what they call false religion it destroys them. They can't deal with an uneducated person that just believes God will keep His promises His good and love - they have never had that experience and most never will it.

    So when JW's lose their God GB they have been worshiping there truly is nothing left accept more legal wrangle on other subjects.

    They can intellectualize the facts of God that He never taught there would be a modern day org/business He would set up. But He's people would worship in truth and spirit. They can understand that there is one person that they must accept and believe in for salvation but they just can make a leap of faith to get there.

    They can understand that all a person had to do at the first passover was to have faith enough or trust God enough to put blood on the door post and God angle of death would passover them. God didn't wrangle if their beliefs were correct or that they were of His faith.

    That to simple for JW's it takes something more. So until we become like young children trusting something more then ourselves there is no understanding God there is only an intellectual understanding of God. And that is not real it like talking on this forum with words and letters there no feeling accept our own feelings the other person exist but they are not real a family member we can touch and feel and love.

    It would not matter if you could produce absolute rock solid facts that God does not exist. God is a Spirit and those that worship Him worship with spirit and truth and that spirit can only be gotten by faith nothing else turns it on. A person cannot see God - who He really is without faith. And that is why once a person has that it not about the reward they have already received the greatest reward friendship with God. And it not defind in human words or understandstood by human logic. And it does look foolish and weak to a physical person intellectually.

    The stories of the bible were not written for people without faith and that is why they appear to them as wicked, stupid, unfair and unjust. They were written for people seeking God with an honest heart. So no religion on this earth has it right because it not about that its about trust that developes a understanding of God through faith and it is not on our terms ever.

  • misstellall2

    im sorry but i don' get what you are saying when you sayed "why are christians embarresed" i also didn't get what the whole thing was about becuase i am a christian. my name is cassidy celina m. you are welcome to email me at [email protected]

    thank you,

    cassidy celina m.

  • seesthesky


  • seesthesky

    free will:

    some of you seem to advocate the position that free will requires no consequences and/or eternal life - i think, however, that it means the ability to choose one course over another in spite of the consequences - that part of it - the "in spite of the consequences" - makes the action chosen more free in my mind because you get to say "screw you" to whomever holds the gun at your head and prove to that person that he/she or it has no power over your choice -

  • Terry
    free will:

    some of you seem to advocate the position that free will requires no consequences and/or eternal life - i think, however, that it means the ability to choose one course over another in spite of the consequences - that part of it - the "in spite of the consequences" - makes the action chosen more free in my mind because you get to say "screw you" to whomever holds the gun at your head and prove to that person that he/she or it has no power over your choice -

    Here is an honest question to ponder. If somebody holds a gun to your head and asks you to do something; are you being presented with an actual choice?

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