Name the 'Finest Hypocrites' you know.

by AK - Jeff 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • undercover

    Many JWs that I know are hypocrites. That's one reason I why became inactive...I could no longer be one myself.

    One JW friend of mine walks that tightwire between being worldy and being JW. He can go out partying, drinking, associating with worldly folks, go to concerts, bars, clubs and then turn around and be the well-respected ministerial servant in the congregation.

    He and his clique of JW friends know not to discuss their "activities" amongst other JWs in the congregation. They pretend that it's not to "stumble" anyone, but in reality it's because they're hypocrites, plain and simple.

    I can name others that do the same thing, and most here know exactly how it works, because we were either doing it ourselves or knew someone who was.

  • eclipse
    Went and grew a penis and straight took over the arrangement even with me present

    So that means that you agree with the society's sexist arrangement that just because of a person's GENDER they are not qualified to take over spiritually?

    The biggest hypocrite I know is an elder, who is only 27, and likes to stick his nose into everyone's affairs, and tell them how to run their families (he has no children, THANK GOD!!!) and keep control over their wives.

    He stood up for his MS brother when his MS brother was treating his wife like a slave, couldn't perform at all sexually because he was an extreme over-eater (I am Not exaggerating, or putting down overweight people, there is obesity that is due to hormonal/chemical imbalances, and there's just over indulging and self-medicating wih food) and he was proud that he was tipping the scales at almost 500lbs. (he was 240lbs when he got married),.

    He literally was the laziest SOB on the planet, thought all women were there just to cook and clean for him, and satisfy his sexual needs whenever he wanted it (part of his JW upbringing) so that when she finally had enough, she left him and found a great guy in the ''world''. Her brother in law, 27year old elder went around calling his SIL names like, ''wh0r#, sl*t, etc''.

    I was so happy for her when her divorce was finallized. Her disgusting ex-husband seems to have grown a goatee and is a non-attending JW, and his elder brother still thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread.

    This 27 year old elder thinks women are to be silent. His young wife obeys his every command without complaint. He is the most chauvinistic man I have ever met. He is also homophobic, and thinks he is brilliant.

    He watches R rated movies, but condemns others who watch movies that he personally thinks are not appropriate for christians.

    If he ever died, I would not be sad....the world would be a better place if he wasn't contaminating it.

  • Mary
    Danny Haszard said: I knew of several JW contracting companies who underbid legit contractors by illegally not paying required unemployment insurance and workers comp and taxes.ALL OF them I 'ratted out' to authorities when I was wrongfully DFed.

    LMAO @ Danny!

    One of the biggest hypocrites I knew was my former PO. It was well known that he was a dirty old man and I had one elder tell me that he was pretty sure he'd had an affair with a worldly woman, but broke it off when he figured the other elders were starting to catch on. He used to come on to me when I was 17 and even my mom complained about him leering at her. One of the other brothers worked with him and told me that he had a locker full of dirty magazines and not just "Playboy" but I guess the harder core ones too. He also always volunteered to give the talks about sisters not wearing tight clothing and during the WT studies, spent an enormous amount of time on the paragraphs that dealt with Leviticus 24 and 'women's menstruation'. He was just a pig plain and simple.

    This same guy actually gave a talk from the platform 10 years ago, cautioning everyone not to see "Titanic" because there was a "partial nude scene" in it. I figure he was just pissed off that it wasn't a full front nude scene.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh I knew a family of hypocrites (well I can't fault the kids of that family, it was the parents who were doing wrong) I'll call them the Awrys.

    Bro. Awry didn't work but did help his brother once in a while (also a jw and an elder no less) with his cleaning business (yep another one) and got paid under the table. Somehow Bro Awry and Sis Awry got on welfare. If I recall correctly I heard Sis Awry say that they was able to get on welfare by telling the powers that be that Bro Awry didn't live there. What a nice free ride for Bro & Sis Awry. Oh and for some reason they kept having kids...they stopped at six and had most of them while living on the dole.

  • lola28

    In the hall I went to there was a brother who I always disliked, I always got this feeling like something was wrong with him and felt that he was just putting on a show for people. My dislike for him was such that his own brother ( whom I adore) knew better than to put us in the same car group. In this same hall we had a sister who was a pioneer and I guess ppl felt she was a snob, I know of a few sisters that went home in tears after working with her in service, I always got a long with her, tho I also was very aware of the fact that she could make you feel unworthy and she could be very nasty to you if she was having what I like to call a "Lauren" day. She was married to an elder ( the PO in fact) and the other brother was an elder and a pioneer. These two had a way of making people feel like crap and always kept pushing others to "do more". Anyhooooooo, a few years ago both of them got DFed because they were cheating on their spouses with each other, it was a pretty big deal ( if any of you have any connections to halls in the San fernando Valley you would have heard about this because they announced the DFing in every hall).


  • Chameleon

    How long ago is "a few years"?

    I'm not in an English cong., so that might be why I didn't hear of it.

  • lola28

    October of 2004, it took them a year to get reinstated. Are you from the area?


  • Chameleon

    didn't hear of it.

    yeah, I am.

  • lola28

    Ooooh I used to go to the Winnetka and then the Woodland Hills congregation, are you familiar with the area?

  • bebu
    Me.......although I try not to be.

    Yeah, that's me too.


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