lola28, I sent you a PM.
Name the 'Finest Hypocrites' you know.
by AK - Jeff 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I knew an elder who was so "sick" he had to go on government benefits. At same time he was running an ISP and software company in the name of his kids and was raking it in. Just before I got DF'd he had put a MASSIVE pool with waterfall etc out the back of his house (where he ran the company from).
What was worse is how they always complained they had no money!!!
rose petal
My ex was the finest hypocrite that ever drew breath! He would drink excessively, swear, have affairs (I found out later), badmouth people for no reason. He would be screaming in rage in the car all the way to the hall, and then step out of the car Mr Christian. I swore never ever to be a hypocrite like that control freak. I heard recently that his present wife is now going to the meetings (she said she never would), his stepdaughter has told her mother if she left she would say with him, and the wife looks tired, downtrodden and beaten like I did. He certainly has a way with people. rose petal
LOL! I think I know the same hypocites you guys know! Or maybe they are all from the same mold...
What about pioneers on Welfare?
This has to rank pretty low on the JW hypocrisy scale, but what bothered me the most about it was not so much the act itself, but the widespread acceptance of it. I'm talking about pioneers that would work seasonal jobs and spend months at a time drawing unemployment benefits while "getting their time in." This was the way a great deal of pioneers were able to get their 1,000 hours a year in (back then it was 90 hours a month).
The thing about it is that you had to send a report every week to the state that you were actively looking for work, but couldn't find any, in order to keep the unemployment checks coming in. There was a statement that had to be made to that effect under oath. They had no problem with lying about looking for work in order to keep pioneering. It was ridiculous. The elders and the C.O. knew about it, but nothing was ever done about it. This practice was widespread throughout the circuit. Most of those pioneers knew it was wrong too because they would get very defensive about it if the subject was ever brought up. The rush to acquire status in the religion was just too much of an incentive for them to do the right thing. I only knew of one man, and elder from a neighboring hall, that didn’t do that, but he is one of the most righteous people I’ve ever met. It’s too bad he’s still under their mind control.
Mr. Kim
Back to the original question: The answer is:Those that are in power positions over the flock!
My dad.....seriously.
Bro. Brown hired my (non JW) dad to work with him on a construction job. My dad was a carpenter-and a good one too. It was the 70's and construction work was really hard to find, Dad had been out of work for months.
Bro. Brown kindly hired him on temporarily to do a 2 week (or so) job. He never paid dad, and I don't remember the excuse, but I do know that his family took a vacation to Hawaii soon thereafter. That burned. My mom said nothing to the elders, and of course did not confront Brown-she was on the outskirts, not terribly active or outgoing or assertive in any way, and my dad was not a W. Turns out this 'brother' had a horrible family life and was nasty in various ways.
My experience with JWs whilst in the group was generally positive, with some exceptions I have mentioned before. That one really hurt, and felt very very personal.