INTJ Raised JW Atheist nj
Does your personality type affect your belief in the divine?
by Paralipomenon 41 Replies latest jw friends
raised as a JW from birth for 27 years
now an agnostic, leaning towards atheism.
I mistrust all christian religions.
Your Type is
INTJIntroverted Intuitive Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % 33 25 12 78
INTJ type description by D.Keirsey
INTJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. HeissINTJ Career Choices
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:- moderately expressed introvert
- moderately expressed intuitive personality
- slightly expressed thinking personality
- very expressed judging personality
I dont know what to think about the results. I didnt know I was very judging, but I do work in law enforcement. And I tend to side with the victims rights rather than the criminals.
This is what I think about the divine. There are lot of options and nothing is provable about the divine.
No one can make sense out of the bible. It was written by lazy men to get other men to work for them.
My favorite theories. We are part of God, spirits having material experiences.
Theorie two we are some kind of bio-robot placed here by a higer intelligence to cultivate this earth. Maybe for the higher intelligences latter use.
Theorie 3, We are placed here by a higer intelligence and something about us is being harvested. We are not intelligent enough to know what. Just like a cow or sheep grazing in a field does not know what his end is.
Theorie 4. We are decendents of a race that abandoned their planet, maybe because of impending disaster.
Got to go to work now.
Personality type: ISTJ (all of those are over 90%, I'm not on the fence on any of those.)
Religous upbringing: Jehovah's Witnesses. (Christian, new age religious group.)
Age: 18
Current status: Atheist.
born and raised JW
left at 24, went back, now out for good I'm 31. Not sure about god but I think of myself as a spiritual person.
Nathan Natas
1. Your Myers-Briggs type: ISTJ
2. Your religious upbringing (if any): Raised JW from about 7, left JWs by age 28.
3. Your current views on God, religion, and spirituality (in brief): I am an atheist. I do not believe in the existence of a spirit realm populated with any sort of beings. Religion is a snare and a racket, the opiate of the masses. One can be "spiritual" without the aid of religion or belief in imaginary invisible superheros.Side note: I once spoke with a psychiatrist about the subject of belief in God. He suggested it was strongly influenced by a person's relationship with their father. I thought that was interesting. My father was absent after my mother began her Bible Study with the JWs.
Jehovah's Witness
Don't believe in god, think religions are all evil, the time for religion is past. Maybe there's a spirit world, maybe not. Not worried about it.
Hi, Tall Penguin -
Raised JW
Spiritual but in NO WAY religious. Do not believe in God the religions and most people define that word.
1. Your Myers-Briggs type
2. Your religious upbringing (if any)
Jehovah's Witness age 3 - 25/27
3. Your current views on God, religion, and spirituality
I believe in God and I'm pissed off at him for allowing the jw and all this other bullshit to happen....give us a sign that isn't vague and easily manipulated by those seeking power goddammit!
Religion is the opiate of the masses and is a crock and lies
Spirituality is important and thanks to whatever God has up his sleeve he has let spirituality go to complete shit. I want to set up a meeting with him to voice my discontent and understand why.....the 'universal sovereignty' theory hangs on a loose thread of borg propaganda.
Miss 8572
1. Your Myers-Briggs type: INFJ (apparently it is the rarest personality type making up only 2% of the population... which makes me feel special!) 2. Your religious upbringing (if any): Jehovah's Witness from birth (never baptised)
3. Your current views on God, religion, and spirituality: I am undecided on the God issue but I am more comfortable with beleiveing he doesn't exist. If he does he is or is like the wind, without a personality, simply here as a highly evolved entity we may someday as a species become like. It's really funny that I commonly use the Karl Marx catch phrase in conversation as well and did in one of my posts yesterday (just like Monophonic, also an INFJ posted above)... "Religion is the opiate of the masses." I feel that it has caused more problems than it has found solutions for. It serves a purpose for people who need some kind of an explanation for everything in this solar system and acts as a drug to satiate this need for explanation. I don't feel I need religion to validate me. Spirituality is nothing like religion. It is about finding/questing after an inner peace that will validate your existence. Without some sense of spirituality you are empty and will never get to know your true self. Reading/history/art and creativity are key to my search. I find "god" through my own search of nature, feelings, etc. not through an organized system which seems to take any mystic/magical aspect out of what "god" is. I feel that religion (at least western religion) being something organized by people, has been organized by the personality types that are interested in order and organization. Because of this personality types lack of intuitiveness, creativity, vsion they can't picture "god" as anything other than what they do and take him literally (see pictures of "god" in a man's form, in watchtower publications). Their seemingly 'catagory happiness' and obvious comfort in positions of organizations/governments/powers has caused them to railroad the small 2% of us INFJ's (and the like) in the world into recognizing their viewpoint of "god" and the rules/guidelines of religion. I think it is the creative/intuitive types who see "god" for what he truly must be and who take the time to understand and experience him in thier own life. Let's not forget, the pagans came first and must have had a better understanding of how we all got here seeing as they were chronologically closer to the exact point of "creation." But I'm not at all bitter.