Does your personality type affect your belief in the divine?

by Paralipomenon 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paralipomenon

    I'm an INFP and agnostic. If I hadn't been raised a witness, I doubt I would have explored religion at all.

    My personality type ranked high in a likelihood of belief in a God. I don't really understand it though.

    I would think the Intuitive and Perceptive aspects of it would make one critical of the aspects of the unseen.

    His basis for starting this study is looking at families where all the children are raised in the same religion, but not all of them stick with the beliefs. So he's exploring the relation between personality types and spirituality.

    I have to admit that the idea intrigues me, but I'm not sure if it will yield any specific results.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Raised strict RC

    Now a Christian - I don't do denominational labels or 'religion' - I have a living, moving faith, not rules and regulations. Not sure whether that would put me into a spiritual theist category, I'll let your friend work it out!

  • lonelysheep

    Humanist Athiest-NOT raised a witness




  • changeling

    I agree with Para. Most NF's and NT's I know are inclined to be skeptics, by virtue or their intuition. That leads to dropping religion like a hot potato.

  • changeling

    Are you noticing a trend here? Lots of "N's". Is that because there are a lot of us on this board for some reason or because we are attracted to these kind of threads?

  • twinflame2

    ISFP/J - I had a formal Meyers Briggs and my P and J were exactly equal

    I was raised to be whatever I wanted, religiously.

    Became a JW in early 20's for 20 years.

    Currently pro-spirituality; anti-religion. Just read Conversations with God and it struck a good chord.

  • lonelysheep
    I would think the Intuitive and Perceptive aspects of it would make one critical of the aspects of the unseen.

    Me, too!

    Lots of "N's". Is that because there are a lot of us on this board for some reason or because we are attracted to these kind of threads?

    Intuition-something we trusted in ourselves to get out of the jw's.

  • brunnhilde

    ENTJ Raised a dub and left at 36 Hovering on the thin line between agnostic and atheist but leaning towards atheism. If there is a God/Higher Being then a. why would they give a rat's ass whether we worship or not and b. if they DO care whether or not we worship then why the hell aren't they doing anything? Right there with the skepticism as you can see. I believe that personality plays a major role in how receptive you are to religion/faith/etc.

  • bluesbreaker59


    Born a Dub, DF'd at 25

    Now: searching, but leaning towards "spiritual, but not religious" I think

  • Narkissos

    Out of curiosity I took the test: InfP (lower case = 38 %, capital = 67 %)

    Catholic up to 13, then JW.

    A-theist, interested in philosophy of religion.

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