If so, what do you think will happen when it comes?
Do any Christians here still believe that ARMAGEDDON is real?
by nicolaou 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I will have my own personal Armageddon at the moment I die and am judged by God or Jesus will return sometime in my life and judge me at His second coming.
That is the way I look at it.
Jeff S.
Lady Liberty
Dear Nicol....
Interesting question. Just last weekend I asked my Mom what she thought about Armagedon, after all the research her and my Dad have done in the last few years. (This includes reading the Bible from start to finish three times.) She said that after reading Revelation over and over, she thinks as MANY, MANY Bible scholars, that Revelation could have very well been written before the destruction of Jerusalem. And that it was written for the Jews who were about to go through a very horrible time. People that believe that Armagedon is in the future are called "futurists" and there are alot of other religions other then JWs that believe this.
I was however suprised to know that there are tons of Bible Scholars that feel it was written before the destruction of Jerusalem, and not after. If written after, then obviously it would have a future fullfillment. But if written before, it then sure seems to explain an aweful lot written in Revelation.
Still though there are some things that are unxplained with that theory. I am not sure anyone really knows for sure. And I guess for me I have come to concluded, that it is what it is. I still fully believe in the Bible, and have a hope after this life. How I get there, and what happens between now and then, will be what it will be, no matter how right or off base I am about the subject.
I feel that as long as I am trying my hardest to follow Jesus footsteps and to observe the two greatest commands, to love my God and my neighbor..well I am confident that will be enough. However..I love researching Bible topics, and I do find this subject intreeging. Maybe someone else can explain it more fully.
Lady Liberty
well if god is real, and satan is real, then something has to come to a head.
The way I see it, God cant just let this rebelious angel to continue to exist forever making life difficult for humans and undermining His authority. There has to be a point where god says "enough is enough. Its time to put things back to the way I intended"
Something has to happen. Why would god reward satan with an eternal existence to do whatever he wants?
My belief is that armageddon is an invisible spiritual war that is played out by the kings of the earth , false prophet and the devil who oppose the kingdom work and people that want only to serve christ out of love . As you can see it doesn't say anybody is destroyed by God in Revelation 16:12-16 Later tho in Revelation 19 , the great fear inspiring day of God almighty is when the wicked are destroyed.
And that it was written for the Jews who were about to go through a very horrible time.
Me too -- That's what I believe.
The big question is: When?
Living with (and being reminded of) the constant threat of "not making it through Armageddon" is a fear tactic that the WTS uses to keep its followers in line and doing whatever THEY say. It works very well....doesn't it? Just LOOK at those hideous "artists" renderings" that the loving brotherhood churned out not only for their readers to see....but to deliver to other's homes!
I have read what the bible says and I have come to the conclusion that it MAY very well happen in a few years...or a century from now. I honestly cannot say. But I refuse to live under the shadow of FEAR that I did as a JW.....and use my own conscience as a guide as to what I feel is doing right according to what I have read.
I know I am accountable to Jesus Christ in the long run, and that whatever I do or say has an affect on this....but it is not an unhealthy fear as what I lived with before. It makes all the difference.
Yes, because I am a biblical literalist, and believe that Revelation was written after the destruction of Jerusalem, I do believe that there will be a Battle of Armaggedon--with the forces of darkness fighting the forces of light, and that Jesus Christ will be the victor. It will not be the evil carnage that the WT projects, but will be against those who are proactively warring against God. When? Don't know, not a prophet. However, the anti-Christ will rise to political power before that time, bring about a false peace between Israel and it's enemies, then half way through, break that promise and reveal his true demonic agenda.
Preparing now to be laughed at...
Do any Christians here still believe that ARMAGEDDON is real?
Yes, and I met her.