Is the Watchtower Crumbling???

by R.F. 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2
    They are irrelevant and insignificant to the rest of the world.

    Totally sensible conclusion!! Some ex-JWs and allies treat the Watchtower Society as if it is the vilest organization on earth. What total crap! Only people living in a privileged society could ever honestly believe the Watchtower Society is the vilest of the vile. It is not. None of this is to minimise the individual pain and suffering caused by this organization - but it's to locate that pain and suffering in a wider context of a world in which there are far, far more damaging organizations cramming up the limited space on this earth.

  • Arthur

    The Watchtwer Society will never experience an "Enron-like" collapse. Instead, it will experience a slow fade-away more in common with Montgomery Wards, or Sears.

  • Highlander
    Montgomery Wards

    Montgomery Who?

    hehe, Acutally I used to have an old Montgomery Wards in store Credit card. Wow! I must be getting old now.

  • sparrow

    I hope it fades away sooner than later so the few family I still have in stop wasting their time.

    Since I was DF'd I have had all of my closest friends leave, 3 of my 4 siblings are out and 3 elders (and all their kids) in the cong I was in left - one of whom is a very active "apostate".

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Just a thought - for those who HAVE to go out in FS, couldn't you insert/write/comment in the literature left with householders?

  • Gordy

    Going back to "R.F." original post.

    I could see a very similar description to what has happened in my old congregation here in Britain.

    When I stopped attending in 1996 it was still the strong congregation I had always known it as. A disfellowshipping or someone disassociating was a rare event in the 25 years I was there. It was noted within the circuit as being a very strong well run congregation. We built a new KH in the late 1980's, to seat nearly 300, because we were growing that much, we had already split into two congregations.

    Then it the last 5 years or so it seems to have fallen apart. People leaving, being DF'd. Elders resigning, if anymore resign there will only be the Presiding Overseer left. Numbers falling. Average Public talk attendance when I was there was about 130 , last I heard it was 90-100 and 85 of them are the JW publishers. The sister congregation that shares the same hall is also having problems. It was always the bigger of the two, attendance about 150 for public talks. My non-JW daughter went with her JW sister one Sunday about 6 months ago, she said there was only about 20-30 people there. The book study which is held in the house of my wife used to get average 20-25, now its 8-12.

    We can see why in the conventions this year the WT has come down on the internet, "fasle teachers", apostates etc, warning JW's not to speak to those who may lead them away. Especially among the young ones.

    Watchtower crumbling? Maybe, but bits are certainly flaking off. There will always be a hardcore who will carry on no matter what.

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