Attending meetings while on Holidays

by Nosferatu 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    So how many of you actually attended meetings when you went away on holidays? Remember, you shouldn't take a holiday from Jehovah!

    When me and my mother went to visit my uncle in 1987, we attended every stinkin' meeting, including a congregation baseball game. I thought we were there to visit my uncle? One of the weird kids in that congregation hugged me when I hit a home run. I wanted to kick him for that.

    So, let's hear your meeting-on-holiday experiences!

  • minu

    thank goodness my parents weren't that strict. the most we did was read the daily text......and my dad always made us say where the scripture was from. So us kids never really listened to the "food" presented by the society b/c we were to busy repeating the scripture in our heads for when he asked. LOL.

  • mrsjones5

    Only if we were going to visit our grandparents and were there long enough to attend on Sunday. Never if we were going on a real vacation to like the Grand Canyon or Disneyland.

  • unique1

    When I went with my parents we always did. Especially at Myrtle beach. Even when we went on a cruise we went to one of the conference rooms to have the watchtower study on board the boat and when we docked in the Bahamas, we had to tour bethel. It BLEW!!

  • carla

    We went on a vacation to a very ritzy hotel in a tropical setting, my jw leaves for about 7 hours to go to some damn jw thing in our rented car! Needless to say the tropical weather cooled off considerably when he go back. The up side of that was it showed our children just how much control the org really had over him that he wasn't even allowed to enjoy a few days away with his family at a once in a lifetime vacation.

  • mrsjones5
    Even when we went on a cruise we went to one of the conference rooms to have the watchtower study on board the boat and when we docked in the Bahamas, we had to tour bethel. It BLEW!!

    Omg I was just thinking that would never happen and ya proved me wrong!

  • LongHairGal

    I remember somebody once telling me that the reason we should make an attempt to go to meetings while on vacation is because it is easier to fall into sin or immoral practices while on vacation. They reason that it is easier for some people to feel that vacation is like a 'dream' and is not 'real' so therefore they may do things they might otherwise not do when back at home in their everyday life.


  • WTWizard

    This was one of the rules that they always stated from the Kingdumb Misery. It would always come out about May, just in time for those who thought they were going to get away from being a Witless for a few days. Those things always made sure that we were going to that Grand Boasting Session no matter what, "proper" behavior there, and that you were supposed to find the Kingdumb Hell and go to all the meetings and out in service while you were on "vacation(?)". That meant you were supposed to do the same old s*** in a different venue.

    What I didn't understand is how can one justify spending thousands of dollars to fly to Tahiti or Paris, only to have to do meetings and service once there. It would be better to simply take a bus to a nearby city and do it there--the hotel accomodations would also be less. Or, just do it at home. There is no need to waste the time flying to some fancy destination to do the same s*** you do all the time once there.

    What a $%#^ed up organization. They won't ever let anyone take a few days off. You go to some exclusive high priced hotel, only to have to go to every meeting and support service. You can't even go to the theme park! Can you imagine children coming home with memories of having spent all their Disney time doing street work within the park while everyone else was having fun?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Last year, right before I resigned as an elder, I didn't want to set off any alarms
    with the wife just yet. I had delayed stepping aside so that we could go on
    a vacation of a lifetime that was planned for a year, but was with other JW's
    that we know and love. The other JW's were getting weaker in the borg, starting
    to have real lives, but were still active JW's.

    On the last weekend of the trip, we had the opportunity to go to a Kingdom Hall
    before loading up for the airport. My wife loves socializing with JW's, so I did
    all the legwork to find the hall and figure out meeting times and how we would
    all do it. If not for me personally, everyone would have slept in or enjoyed the
    day elsewhere. Once I had it planned, everyone felt like they had to go.

    Well, the wife and I still go on vacations, but now she has to plan for meetings
    or miss them.

  • RollerDave

    While on 'honeymoon' with my second wife, which is a whole other sad pathetic tale, we stayed with her relatives in North Dakota.

    We made a point of finding the hall and going to the meetings 'as a witness' to her relatives.

    So sad.

    Roller (of the 'i guess you had to be there' sheep class)

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