Attending meetings while on Holidays

by Nosferatu 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • animal

    Yep, we went to meetings anywhere we went on vacation. I also agree that it was show.

    A week at Ocean City.... Tuesday and Thursday nites and Sunday mornings. Saturday was spent pushing magazines to people also on vacation.

    A week on Lake Pocono in PA.... same routine. I said I was sick, mom plays the "you cant be that sick" card... and that IF I stay home she will have to stay with me and miss out on her service.


  • PrimateDave

    I guess I'll have to go a bit against the grain on this one. Many years ago I went to Cancun and visited a local congregation. It was fun mixing with the locals. One of them was fluent in English, a good thing since I wasn't fluent in Spanish at that time. He and his wife helped me to arrange a day trip with another brother who was a taxi driver to Chichen Itza. I had lots of fun with them.

    A few years after that I went to Japan. I got in touch with the local congregation. I had a blast. I was always being invited over to someone's home for dinner. If only I could speak Japanese! Still, I have very fond memories of that trip.

    Now, of course, I can understand attending meetings in the United States while on vacation is the equivalent of going to the dentist.


  • jaguarbass

    When I used to live in Cleveland, I went to Florida for a vacation in the winter and stayed with witnoid friends and we would go to the meetings on our vacation. It seemed like the thing to do at the time. 1973. Two years from the big A.

  • Namaste

    When we went on family trips to places like Disneyland, Grand Canyon, and tons of family reunions, we never went to meetings. It was such a relief.

    When we went camping with other families though, which we did a lot, someone would always suggest that we don't miss the WT study. Ugh, so there we would be in our finest camping attire sitting in a big circle doing the same old Q&A that we could have done at home.

    Once I was out on my own, my vacation time was MINE and I wasn't sharing it with anyone else!

    The one time I did actively seek out the KH, I was on a 6 week trip with a friend to Australia and New Zealand. You can bet we hit every possible hall we could find so we could check out the brothers

    We met some great people and it is an experience I'll never regret. We would met a couple in Sydney that set us up with their family in Alice Springs and gave us points of contact all along our travel route. At one hall we went to in NZ, a woman came up to us after the meeting and engaged us in conversation and immediately invited us to stay at her house that evening. She said we had all the right books with us so she knew we were legit

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Thankfully my parents never did this!! We never had the daily text on vacation, no WT or Awakes brought with us. Now that's a vacation!!


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