truthsearcher: I am just wondering thought, for those who are recommending not talking about the org., isn't there a point where you need to talk about the cult and establish it for what it really is?
Yes, but it's all in the timing. There's no use trying to reason with the "cult personality". The non-JW spouse really has to learn the difference, and not bother trying to debate the cultist. We KNOW how the proper cultists answers, they are all rehearsed in the magazines and the meetings. None of those answers will reassure the spouse. My early, newbie mistake was to go running to my husband, tears streaming down my face, begging him to leave this destructive organization. He stiffened up and started repeating robotically, "But I have the truth." Horrifying for an outsider to witness. I had triggered his cultist defence system, and it took many months to undo the damage. I want our new poster to avoid that pain.
Once she is forearmed with knowledge, she can learn to recognize when her husband's genuine personality shines through. This is the person she wants to reason with.
I do agree, however, that a few frank discussions have to be had about things like blood and the raising of children. Not that the cultist can be relied on to keep their word, however. They may renege at any time in a burst of zeal.
For couples who are dating, I recomment the non-JW partner find out as fast as they can what they are signing up for. Bring it out in the open, and figure out if you can really live this life. Our newlywed, however, has signed up for the long haul. So different advice.