My great uncle found out last week that he has to have triple bypass surgery. He was raised a JW back in the 1930's and 1940's, but left and joined the Navy. approximately 8 years ago he started studying again. He attends all the sunday meetings and even the occasional convention. He still isnt baptized. His wife and all of his children are Baptists, and are mildly opposed to his religion. As of this week they are extremely opposed, why?--the blood issue.
You see my uncle still celebrates all of the holidays with his family and still votes in elections, yet he will not take blood.
He is having surgery this thursday and it had been postponed due to the blood issue.
This blood issue is ripping our family apart right now. My grandma (inactive but believing)JW has been on the defensive with his children.
They are extremely upset with him refusing blood, they are so worried that he will die. He is 82 years old, and was in good health until they discovered the blockages.
Im hoping and praying that he pulls through this surgery.
This whole issue has caused alot of friction between my JW grandma and disfellowshipped mom.
tensions are flaring in the family right now.
Please pray that my uncle will pull through, and that his eyes will eventually be opened to this cult.
pray for my uncle--blood issue
by Junction-Guy 25 Replies latest jw friends
I will send good vibes.
he votes and celebrates holidays, but won't take blood. This proves reasoning with him won't help because his fear is deep and unreasonable - I hope all turns out well for him - let us know what happens.
I don't pray, but my thoughts are with you and your uncle.
Just when the family should be rallying around the sick one, they're fighting over what a religion tells them to do.
Hope everything works out for him.
I'm so sorry to hear this, jg. I will pray that it be God's will that your uncle pulls through regardless of his decision.
Best wishes,
Thanks Dragonlady76, I realize that not everyone here still prays, so yes, good vibes are always welcome too.
Hortensia---yes, he is very political and patriotic, he has even been known to wear his american flag tie tac to the kingdom hall. He still votes, and still attends all of the family holiday functions. The only 2 things from the JW's that he has picked up has been contempt for the churches and fear of blood. If it werent for those 2 things you would never guess him to be a JW.
We are so worried right now. This whole situation has to be treaded upon carefully. I dont want to seem like an agitator, yet there are certain things about the blood issue that I must inform his children.
I pray that God will give me the wisdom to say the right things and not cause any more controversy than there already is. -
Open mind
Sorry to hear this JG. Sometimes a big emotional test like this can wake people up. Sometimes.
Open Mind
Wordly Andre
I'll pray, by the way is your uncle a WW2 vet?
Dave, sorry to hear about this troubling situation. You must be so worried about your great uncle, then add in the family contention - yikes. The blood thing makes me so mad. Sometime in the next week or 2 my mother in law (mr flipper's mom) will be having back surgery - same deal, no blood. It's so scary. Wish you the best, your great uncle also. flipper
Yes WorldlyAndre, he is a WW2 vet. He was stationed on the USS Hornet, in fact there were 17 men from that one little county in Kentucky that were stationed on the Hornet.