I will pray for your uncle.
by Junction-Guy 25 Replies latest jw friends
I will pray for your uncle.
I talked with one of his daughters last night, and she said they have tried every way to get him to reconsider, but he wont budge. She says the best we can do right now is pray and hope that he pulls through this surgery.
Get this---his family watched the society sponsored blood video. I too saw this video a few years back but dont recall what they said in it, or if fractions were mentioned in this.
I was told by his daughter that he is refusing all blood, even fractions.
I wish I was in Kentucky now and could talk with his children in person, face to face. There is so much I would love to tell them.
Once he pulls through this surgery, and he recovers, I will plan a trip to Kentucky and address the blood issue with his family--in depth.
Here is an update, my uncle pulled through his surgery fine, and blood was not needed--Thank God, because he would have refused and died. He is in a regular room now and is recuperating well. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
Now that we have dodged this bullet, the next time Im up in Kentucky, Im gonna sit down with my cousins and let them know everything I know about the blood issue, and all of the WT Society's lies. I will let them borrow my copy of the booklet "Jehovah's Witnesses and the tort of misrepresentation on blood"
It's surprising that though he is not a fully fledged JW he chose to follow this insane rules that can easily make the difference between life and death, I wonder what they did to persuade him to go down that way. At his age blood during a major operation is a must.
It makes no sense to me. The only thing I can think of that is hindering his baptism is the fact that he would nearly have to give up his family and his personal life. Gone would be the family christmas dinners, gone would be his voting and his political outspokenness, he would have to get rid of his patriotism.
This whole situation is strange indeed. Maybe he feels that he can get by with everything else as long as he refuses blood.
That's not the right age for someone to get cut off from the family and friend support network for the sake of a cult. Has he checked out if in the dub society one can replace the foregon esupport network?
Typically it can't be done due to the abnormal nature of the individual dubs and consequently their society.