Thank you all for your replies (including slimboyfat whose post I had the chance to read before he edited it out -- to his last summon I'll simply answer: NO, I haven't found any ground to support any universal "truth," especially of the ethical kind. I don't believe in "musts" and "oughts". And I don't think they "must" or "ought" be banned either.)
I don't feel like arguing a lot here, but I can't resist highlighting the end of poppers' post:
The primary reason why people who are on the brink of the conscious experience of enlightenment pull back is because they are about discover that their separate sense of self is a delusion; they don't want to face the reality of the illusory nature of the egoic sense. That scares the bejesus out of the ego, and the ego will do most anything from giving up its position of power. Fear drives the ego to remain in control and trapped in duality.
Well, that does sound worse than the alternative option, i.e. "enlightenment," doesn't it?
Let me translate that sentence into Evangelical English, for instance:
The primary reason why people who are on the brink of giving up their lives to the Lord pull back is because they are about discover that their sin-based identity is condemned; they don't want to face the reality of the fallen nature of the sinful sense. That scares the bejesus out of the sinful ego, and the sinful ego will do most anything from giving up its position of power. Fear drives the sinful ego to remain in control and trapped in sin.
I don't mean the two versions are semantically equivalent. But they do share the same structure -- a permanent, hierarchical, dualistic one -- even though the word "duality" has been made one term of poppers' super-duality.
Another example I had in mind in showing how dualities can be reversed, again and again, rather than denied or surpassed, is the Gospel saying "whoever wants to save his psukhè will lose it / whoever loses his psukhè will find it".
What is the psukhè to be lost? (I am in philosophical, not exegetical, mode here).
You can understand psukhè, for instance(a)as "natural" or "animal" life/being or (b) as the construct, "psychical" human self, implying all the mental representations and relationships of the human ego / subject / "I".
Because of this ambiguity the sentence can apply both ways.
You definitely have to lose something of (a) to gain (b): education substitutes a series of artificial mediations -- language, writing, moral codes etc. -- to your immediate and instinctive relationship with your environment. Through it you become someone, a "person," a "subject"in the psychological and social sense, but something of your most natural and animal being has been lost and buried in the process.
Then, at different stages of your psycho-social existence, you will feel the need to lose (b) to (re-)gain (a): your "nature," the "animal" in you, your body, your "guts," your "unconscious," your intuition, will call you out of your psycho-socially constructed self and put it at risk, or in question.
There is a line. There are two sides. But none of them can be described as "good" and the other "bad". Being human implies crossing the border over and over again, without ever settling on either bank, nor reaching a third place solving the duality.
Does that help or obscure the issue further?
Btw I don't think (re: quietlyleaving's post) that even "fluidity" or "flexibility" is to be advocated. There is a place for everything, and for differences of nature. If everything was fluid as water we wouldn't have rivers. If everything was flexible as a grass blade we would never sit under an oak.
Which reminds me, I also question the outrageous focus on the present ("now") in popular mystical speech. Weren't it for time, and especially the past, we would have neither stars nor mountains nor trees. What makes us different (and interesting) is the sum of past experiences (and desires and fears for the future).
Iow I tend to accept whatever "is". The "ideas" in my mind just as the flowers in the grass. Nothing is "delusion," everything "is" -- onlydifferently.
Edit: Welcome here DM, I saw your posts too late and now I've got to leave for a while... we'll catch up later :)