No one has mentioned the fact that U.S. publishers have grown this year by more than3.5%.
Probable explanations:
1) Immigration - legal and otherwise. A nearby Spanish congregation has had numerous families move in directly from Mexico, Peru, Colombia, etc. Already Witnesses, they increase the US numbers. And the numbers in their home countries, 3rd world countries where the growth is still robust, still post net gains.
2) Foreign language groups are having success in preaching. Any immigrant to the US will be just about bowled over by a gringo trying to speak his language, offering magazines in his language, and talking about the Bible (which is still greatly respected by the pooerst inhabitants in Latin America, the ones most likely to emigrate anyway). And when they come to the Kingdom Hall, they are "love bombed" and offered instant integration into their new communities.
Fully 25% or more of the US Witnesses are in Spanish-language congregation, you can probably add a few 10's of thousands more in all the other languages.
I.e., much of that 3.5% gain is from immigration, not evangelizing. And the ones that are brought in "from the field" are the poorest of the poor, who send 75% of their income back to their families in [wherever].
The English-speaking congregations are really suffering. In my congregation, Sunday attendance is around 65-70% of publishers, and that includes numerous visitors each week visiting family, etc. Other meetings are even worse.
I'm sure the Society is concerned (despite the superficial good news of an increase), as the growth is almost exclusively from the poorest elements of society, ones that cause a drain on the Society's resources (literature primarily) without increasing the cash flow.