Not meant as a thread hi-jack but...
Welcome hieverybody you are going to fit in just fine around here.
by sir82 62 Replies latest jw friends
Not meant as a thread hi-jack but...
Welcome hieverybody you are going to fit in just fine around here.
This is the first time in 120+ year history that this religion has not had a timetable for the end of the world set.
Good point. There seems to be no sense of urgency among the witnesses anymore.
Dear hieverybody,
WELCOME to the forum!! We are happy to have you here, and enjoyed your comments.
Lady Liberty
From the Canadian branch:
"Goal of 20,000 Auxiliary Pioneers in April: The all-time peak of auxiliary pioneers for the Canada branch was 18,138, reached in April 2000. Therefore a realistic goal for this coming April is 20,000 auxiliary pioneers." KM February 2007 km-E Ca 2/07 Vol 50, No. 2
Sorry, don't have the August KM yet.
What these statistics dont tell you is the malaise that is embedded in those who sign up for aux pioneering.
I take public transportation and was aware of the annual memorial push for pioneers in April. At the train stop where I transfer I would always see - not one or two - but a group of pioneers milling around and talking to each other. No one has the mags prominently displayed and they seem to avoid the people passing through. I was only aware of who they were because I know their tricks.
The funny thing is that there is a new train only once every 20 minutes or so. If they have a group of 7 - 10 lollygagging around for several hours, they could count over a hundred hours in total and not make one presentation.
i posted back in april-may about me running to large groups of aux. pioneers. 15,20,30 at a time. one day i watched over 20 jw's for A half hour. work one street. and it took them over a half hour to finish one street . all they were doing was standing on the side walk. It wasn't till i got out of the car and started talking to some of them . that the elder came over , screaming like a jerk. because i was asking questions about the memorial, i fixed up the elder , and made him scream some more, till he whipped his flock, to run away and stop talking to me. in 5 minutes. they all disapaired. but i knew only about 4 out of over 20 dubs had any intrest knocking on any doors. glad i planted some seeds. john
the malaise that is embedded in those who sign up for aux pioneering
Once or twice a week, walking to work, I see a couple of elderly "sisters" performing "street work".
It consists of sitting on a sidewalk bench, with a magazine or tract in hand, staring off into space, not even trying to catch anyone's eye.
It looks like they are waiting for a bus and just happen to be holding miscellaneous magazines in their hand. Who on earth would approach them?
They don't even talk to each other. They just sit there. They look so utterly dispirited & bored.
After X number of hours, I imagine they just go home, maybe dropping some mags off at a bus stop to get some placements to go along with their time.
I imagine the thought has crossed their minds more than once: "Why am I still out here doing this? I wa supposed to be in paradise by now!"
Maybe it's a classic example of asking in the knowledge that they know they are not going to get that amount ,but they will ask anyway. With powerful corporations and in Kingdumb land the end justifies the means and by setting high targets the responsibility for failure falls back on the ordinary rank and file who are made to feel guilty that they are not doing enough, hence another appeal and target is always an option.
We might see it as a failure but the guys in control might be pleased with themselves it all depends on the income derived from their shenanigans .They do not count results in terms of benefit to others but in aquistion of money and property and keeping themselves comfortable in La La Land. Where else but in the Borg would the Rutherford offsprings get the occupational perks that they give themselves and without having to honestly explain the workings of their empire .
Who said religion is a snare and a racket?
Did they ever get the targets for pioneers they ever asked for? I don't think its anything particularly new that they didn't get the number s they wanted.
I remember here in UK the call would go out for auxillary pioneers in April & August they would be lucky to get 75% of the number they wanted.
In my old congregation in addition to the two regular pioneers, we would be lucky to get another 3-4 in a "pioneer month".
In fact in all the years I was there 25+ we only ever had two regular pioneers, maybe three at one time. But mostly just two the Service Overseer and his wife.
I know a couple of auxillary pioneers who never reached the assigned number of hours. One because of problems didn't even manage half yet she put down the full amount. No one said a word.
So how many "pioneers" out there are doing the full number of hours?
So how many "pioneers" out there are doing the full number of hours?
Based on the numbers in the KM, not very many.
Auxiliary pioneers need to get a minimum of 50, the average in the national report is typically in the 40's. Pioneers need to get a minimum of 70, the average is typically in the 60's, sometimes dipping into the low 60's.
Based on my experience, I'd say about 75% of the pioneers, and maybe 50-60% of the auxiliary pioneers, meet their time requirements on a regular basis. When you consider that just about every congregation has one or two "super pioneers", the ones who get 100 - 120 hours per month even when they have completed their time for the service year, the actual numbers of those meeting their hours is probably even lower.