As much as I have laughed at her appearance, I envied her forgiving heart. She moved on with her life, and did not become bitter. We should all be so lucky to have her spirit and grace. RIP
Tammy Faye Messner Died.
by El Kabong 45 Replies latest jw friends
DItto, Wednesday.
and she made it to 65
a lot of us dont:(
I hardly recognized her when I saw her interview on Larry King the other day. In spite of all the mockery that was made of her during the PTL heyday and afterward, I was happy for her when she moved on and had a relatively "normal" life once the dust settled after the Jim Bakker scandal.
She lived nearby me when I was in California and was often on local programing. She was quite a generous person IRL regardless of her looks I did feel she had a heart of gold and genuinely cared about people. The local community took her in at one of the worst times in her life and she really thrived there and gave back in a big way with local charities.
It's truly not the person's looks that matter it's the person inside lots of time the outer layer is a mask to hide behind for fear of whatever??? She died a pitiful death I wish she didn't have to go like that, no one should have to suffer with such a painful illness.
RIP Tammy you were love by most and talked about by many you did make an impression during your short life, more than most of us.
Being the wife of a TV evangelist or the wife of a politician has to be the worst fate imaginable! You have to paste a smile on your face and nod affiratively at empty-headed non sequitars your entire life.
Such "supportive" women are driven to drink or drugs until they lose their mind in the process.
Almost every TV evangelist's wife I've ever seen looked like artificial fruit.
There was something beneath the mascara: a large-hearted, happy, non-judgemental person.
I agree with you TMS.
I admired her strength and ability to just keep on going. i do believe she was a genuine person, and not putting on a front.
No joke intended, but I think the heavy make-up gave her a kind of shield that made it easier to face the world. A lot of people like to hide behind dark glasses, she hid behind her make-up.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
I just read in the paper today how much weight she lost. It's so sad. Hopefully someday they will find a cure for cancer.
I've seen previews of the Surreal life show she was on and she still had weight on her. I thought she was winning the battle.
I know they lose the weight really fast. fond rememberance of Tammy Faye..
There was something beneath the mascara: a large-hearted, happy, non-judgemental person. She would have been the laughingstock of any Kingdom Hall in the world. But so would many good-hearted people.
I used to watch Jim and Tammy when I was a JW. I liked their show. I thought they had such a sweet little family. I was very sad to hear Jim had allowed himself to slide into the pits of sleaze. I always loved Tammy Faye. I wouldn't choose to wear the amount of cosmetics that she did, but there was just something little girlish and innocent about her use of cosmetics. She looked like an adorable, little munchkin doll. She also resembled my first mother in law that also died from cancer.
I always thought Tammy sincere, sweet and full of soulful warmth.
I saw that her second husband was also indicted for fraud. Gosh.
The interview with Larry King, I felt such a soft spot in my heart for her. When you see someone so swallowed up by cancer, you look into the face of your own mortality. I know with all my heart she's in a good place now. One where she won't have to worry about falling in love with men who like to swindle other people.