I really enjoyed her when she was on the Sureal Life Show with the porn actor Ron Jeremy.
Tammy Faye Messner Died.
by El Kabong 45 Replies latest jw friends
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I'm so thankful to hear that Tammy is finally out of her misery. I saw her interview on Larry King last night? Even in the last few weeks she deteriorated so much. It's such a horrible disease.
My brother-in-law died of cancer. During the last few days we stayed with him around the clock. It was one of the most difficult things I ever went through, to watch him suffer so much. I honestly don't know how my sister-in-law managed during those years he was suffering through it, except for her faith. The kids suffered so much afterwards.
My thoughts are with Tammy's kids. I believe she had a son and daughter.
Poor women, really felt sorry for her. Didn't think much of hubby. But sad way for her to leave.
I'm so thankful to hear that Tammy is finally out of her misery. I saw her interview on Larry King last night? Even in the last few weeks she deteriorated so much. It's such a horrible disease.
Me too. Her voice wasn't her voice, and I wondered how she had the strength to do that interview. She died the next day.
She seemed to me, to be very sincere and sweet. No one should have to suffer that horrible disease. Anyone who has watched a loved one succumb to cancer, should only feel good that she is finally at peace.
I really enjoyed her when she was on the Sureal Life Show with the porn actor Ron Jeremy.
Me too. Plus I saw her on a local 1/2 hr. Christian show where she was interviewed about her whole life and when she met Jim and got married. I thought at the time what a sweet person she was, and that she became a victim. Earlier this year, her son had a 1/2 hr. sort of reality series on the Sundance Channel called One Punk Under God. He has started his own church, but the show also revealed his relationship with his father who has problems with getting close to Jay. They showed him visiting Tammy Faye several times, and you could see how weak she was. Then the last show of the series, it mentioned that at the request of the family, they would not be filming Tammy Faye anymore, and I thought that's it--she's at death's door. I hope she's in a better place now.
Poor Tammy, she is now at rest.
That interview was very painful to watch! You can see the difficulty she is having swallowing and talking. And yet, she had herself all "dolled up" for her tv appearance. She must have been a woman of incredible strength.
A former friend used to live in the same city as the Bakers--he told me that when they started in ministry, they did fabulous children's puppets shows. He was very sad at the downturn that PTL brought to their lives. Has anyone read Jim's book "I Was Wrong"? Supposed to be very good and a humble admission of his wrongdoings.
She dared to be Tammy Faye, thats all, religious I'm sure, dedicated, and faithful. Had a good outlook for the end. She was looking forward to a hamburger and fries, but she won't get that now. She won't be here for others to make fun of or criticize any more.
I liked her..Wacky make-up and all..She was an honest person..Wacky but Honest...OUTLAW
She's in a better place now.......actually she's in the BEST place.
God only looks at a person's HEART, not their outward appearance. It's what's in the heart that counts with Him. It's nice to know she's with Jesus right now......