The Jews were isolated, insular and anti-progress UNTIL the invasions and conquests of Alexander's armies forced them into a new world of philosophy, science, logic and semantics.
In less than a century after Alexander came and went, the Jews were speaking Greek and not Hebrew!
They weren't just speaking Greek! They were thinking Greek!
What Greek Philosophy brought to the world was a chain of reasoning which had to be validated by logic.
The impact on Jewish theology was devastating!
You'll find (if you care to try it) that Plato's descriptions of how Socrates dealt with his questioners/opponents is mirrored in accounts of Jesus speaking to Pharisees. Why? Because, Greek ideas, methods and thinking were the highest standard possible!
(Socrates answered a question with a question. Jesus did the same.) (Socrates wandered about the city engaging people in deep discussions and gathered a following. Socrates was accused of misleading people, especially the young and of being destructive to religion. He was sentenced to die and accepted his fate with serenity.)
The Roman world adopted all things Greek and merely changed the names of its gods and heros without tampering with the particulars.
Simply put: GREEK ETHOS had set a standard in the world of Rome and Judaism that changed the way you had to represent reality/religion/philosophy.
That is the chief and most important reason why the Old Testament is so vastly different from the New Testament.
Take a hard look at the SILENCE______________________________between the last book of the OT and the first book of the NT. That silence is there for a reason!!
Nobody dared speak the old way or tell outrageous mythic semite tales of a mono-God dealing only with one tiny ethnic people.
Alexander WAS a god! He "PROVED" it by conquering everyone and everything INCLUDING JEHOVAH!! That was the reality the Jews had to swallow and digest before picking themselves up and dusting off their theology!
It is not too surprising that Jesus was elevated to demi-god status and eventually became "divine". He had to to compete!