There are different thoughts on hypnosis not being able to make people do the things
they don't want to do. The real issue here is not that. We are not really talking about
hypnosis to put people in a trance.
We are talking about the meetings being "hypnotic." This is debatable among us, but
I generally understand that politicians and commercial advertisers and the JW's among
others, have an understanding that people can be lulled into an hypnotic state that is
not a trance, but more like a suggestive state. Nobody automatically quits smoking or
murders their best friend in this state. For the most part, our common sense can over-
come the suggestive state, and not buy that product or vote for that man or get baptized
as a JW, but the suggestive state continues to touch our dissonance- our inner conflict
with what we are hearing and what we believe to be true. We want to resolve that
dissonance. Given enough meetings or speeches by the same politician, some of our
minds reduce the dissonance by retraining the mind to accept what we are hearing.
I have read the theory on JW's. The WT study with the reading of the paragraphs from
one voice, then penduluming across the platform to the conductor, then switching to the
audience answers- that contributes to the hypnotic effect of the meeting, and strikes at
our dissonance with the information covered. Go to enough meetings, and you no longer
disagree with what you hear, unless your will and determination decides this is nonsense
you are hearing, then it has virtually no effect on you. You are still reducing the dissonance
between your beliefs and what you are learning, but dismissing the meeting information is
allowing your brain to recognize that the problem is not with your beliefs.
The home study program is similar and pendulums between the two members coaching you.
The greatest effect is really from the dissonance again. The book says what to believe and
two intelligent people understand that the book is right. It makes much sense, so if it
conflicts with your beliefs, the beliefs must be wrong. You slowly change the beliefs to
reduce the dissonance.
Long sessions at the District Convention lull people into the hypnotic state, and suggestions
are really effective after awhile, but the main thing is that dissonance again. Thousands of
people who seem so happy applaude some new thought, so it must be right.
When I first started posting, I made quite a bit out of the hypnotic state of the meetings.
I still believe it is so, but I have learned that it is a very small portion of the effect of meetings.
Once you are free from the concept that "They" are right, the meetings' methods have very
little effect (if any) on people, and many husbands, wives, or children go to meetings with a
believer, while they, themselves don't get lulled into believing.