Is it true that the WT uses hypnosis covertly during KH meetings?

by seatrout 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still_in74
    Yes. All the elders are trained hypnotists.

    LOL !

  • brinjen
    I remember as kid working at the mighty Burger King one day we heard voices coming over our internal PA, it was a guy talking on a CB radio. Apparently it was far more common years ago when these types of PA systems were much more vulnerable to other signals. Some people knew this and would taunt us lowely burger flippers from the parking lot!! It was actually pretty funny....

    Exactly what I was saying. It's not that difficult today either, nowadays they simply change their frequency on a regular basis. With a scanner that's not hard to get past. The biggest hurdle then would be to have a radio that transmits on that particular frequency... But a simple google search will quickly find you something cheap and quick to build that would do the trick...

  • emptywords

    Have to go back for more visits, but then TWO is enough proof.

  • Sunspot

    To go along with both brinjen's and Jgnats thoughts, I think that the constant repition of the same ideas that the WTS employs, plays a big role in this mind control.

    EVERY ARTICLE AND EVERY THING THEY ALL geared to "make a WTS point" ; prove it by a random scripture; some contrived (and controlled) discussion is dallied with....and the final conclusion is ALWAYS MADE that following the WTS is right and all other ways are wrong. You can see this method in every publication that leaves the WTS presses.

    When you are REQUIRED TO READ everything the WTS publishes, for "personal study" OR for "meeting studies" (and mandatory underlining)....and JWs are expected to read everything else in the well-stocked service bag....there comes a point that the "information" takes hold and begins to crowd everything ELSE out of their heads. Very clever and by no accident.

    I liken it to having a tape recorder going when one is learn another language, etc.....the tactic is much the same where the constant and continuous flow of only WTS information being absorbed, is what comes to min the most quickly.

    The WTS knows precisley what they are doing......and why.

  • B_Deserter

    Not hypnotism per se. You won't be indocrinated by just a few meetings. What the religion does is appeal to people who have psychological problems. It feels good to hear that Satan is to blame for your inability to function socially, that when "the world" passes away, Jehovah will magically fix you. People with Bi-Polar disorder and Depression are filing in in droves, because the Witnesses offer a promise of unconditional friendship with 6 million people that are willing to die for you. That's a pretty strong appeal to say the least. I think if you're in the wrong frame of mind--death of a loved one, divorce, mental disorder, etc.--it's easy to become indoctrinated because the society's vision of the world is the same as your experience. However, if you are a well-adjusted, happy, intelligent person, then the message that "everyone is miserable in the world because it is from Satan!" strikes you as untruth because it is not your experience. Rational-minded people tend to see through the bullshit rather quickly.

  • DoubleVision

    On the way out said:

    The phrase is
    "Jehovah's Faithful and Discreet Slave has become our Master."


    I went over a bro and sis house for dinner awhile back and in his

    prayer he prayed that Jah would help the fds to give us our spiritual food, not even

    mentioning Jesus Christ. The One that suppose to give it.


  • heathen

    Seeker- The only thing I can say is that is what happened , I did not hear voices in my head . Somebody played a very sick game that could easily be pulled off , not to mention the many other mindF!@# techniques they use . I do not have mental problems and think your accusations are unfounded .

  • Marcel

    i wouldnt believe that. it would mean that the JWs leaders use it in bad faith. i dont believe that. most of them actually believe what they teach. even ex-brother raymond franz knows it. no way.

  • justhuman

    Defenetly it does...

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