Second string quarterbacks need not apply

by dawg 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    I just wanted to state that everytime I post a topic on how to attack the idiots at the Watchtower I get replies that my schemes won't work. To all second string quarterbacks, my schemes are working; so while you sit on the sidelines watching the first string quarterback win the game, don't be a player hater.... hate the game and not the player.

    Since I quit taking crap off my witness family they are in retreat! Many of my cousins and others inside the family have called me and told me they were proud of me; many have written letters on their own.

    Witnesses are like drug addicts, they need what's called an intervention; people at interventions call the drug addict out for his stupid behaviors and they (interventions and the persons attending) can be quite harsh... it's an effort to snap them back into reality...Any of you that have read what I'm doing, and then said it won't work usually follow up these thoughtless remarks by not providing me informaiton that will work.... that's sick and honestly it's the mark of a loser!

    So, give constructive thoughts or honestly, keep your loser comments to yourself; those not playing with the team are usually a detrimet to it and honestly.... it's those that can't play that stand on the sidlines insulting the starters. Why don't you do us all a favor and find a scheme on your own that works to free ourfamlies from this cult rather than acting like children, giving no good advice, and saying how nothing will work... IN other words, lead, follow, or get the hell out of my way!

  • journey-on

    Life's not a game, Dawg.

    But while we're using game analogies like football....maybe somebody else's method of getting their particular family members out is more like golf or tennis. I see what you're saying about the tough love approach, but if I played the game with my sister like you're playing it, I can guarantee the members in my family wouldn't be calling me up and praising me for my "balls".

  • greendawn

    It's good that you are quite determined to fight the WTS something that almost everyone else is not really intent on doing. Making a nice documentary or even film, if Spurlock could do it against McDonalds (through the film "Supersize Me" in 2004) why not against the WTS?

  • Highlander

    I'm in agreement on your methodology If my circumstances were different I would be doing the exact same thing you are.

    My reason for staying passive is for my Dad. He singlehandedly put my family back together by telling my mom he would divorce her if everyone were to shun me.

    Ironically, my Dad, using agressive methods, was able to keep the family unit together. If I were to be aggressive in my anti-jw movement, it could potentially break the family apart. Dad would then divorce mom and move out here. He doesn't want that outcome, so therefore I will not be the one to put him in that position.

    That being said, I'm giving you a thumbs-up!

    In my opinion we need more people like you that stand up for what is right.

  • dawg

    Both you guys are right, there are many approaches that may work... what I'm saying is that it does me, you, and no one else any good to critize my efforts... There are many ways to climb a mountain....

  • changeling

    I don't recall anyone telling you in so many words not do do the things you do. You are free to handle matters as you see fit. In fact many here have cheered you on.

    Many others have said it's not their way or that their circumstances are such that a "frontal atack" would backfire. Or that it's not their personality to handle things as you do.

    What you don't seem to understand is that we don't all dance to your tune. You don't seem to understand that one size does not fit all. We have all been hurt by this religion and we have all risked a lot by leaving. By insisting that it's your way or the highway you diminish our pain and our effrots. I for one do not appreciate your attitude.


  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Dawg. In my many years online I have met alot of negative criticism and pessimistic attitudes. I refuse to let anyone drag me down in my quest to expose the JW cult.

  • dawg

    Wrong,. I've never said that people should do things my way [Edited} priod, in Fact, I've said the opposite and PM'ed almost everyone that posted me that i felt that way... Check your facts challenging.... you don't know what you're talking about

  • dawg

    Challenging, As a matter of fact, the post above the one you posted is where I said just that.... why is it you and others always rey and discourage someone that's trying to make an impact? Is it your own insecurities that make you committ such actions?

  • changeling
    So, give constructive thoughts or honestly, keep your loser comments to yourself; those not playing with the team are usually a detrimet to it and honestly.... it's those that can't play that stand on the sidlines insulting the starters. Why don't you do us all a favor and find a scheme on your own that works to free ourfamlies from this cult rather than acting like children, giving no good advice, and saying how nothing will work... IN other words, lead, follow, or get the hell out of my way!

    The sprit and attitude that you reflect here is what I'm refering to. It's offensive and uncalled for.


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