by Mary 204 Replies latest social current

  • nvrgnbk
    Your words :"This family should really join the Witnesses-----sounds like they'd fit right in."
    Rosalee said: Absolutely no one here has taken you up on this nonsense. Exactly where do you see any similarity ...

    Witnesses are amongst the biggest leeches I know. Because they're not encouraged to get a good education, which generally means a better job (because The End is so close), alot of Dubs come up with some mysterious illnesses or injuries whereby they can collect a monthy income without having to work for it. It's amazing how many of these brothers and sisters can suddenly pioneer while never bothering to get a real job.

    Hi Rosalee! We've missed you.

    What Mary posted above is true. I saw it as an elder. I knew of several cases of brothers collecting disability, while regular pioneering and seeking to climb the Watchtower ladder. When I protested to the other elders, I was always shot down for not having a "spiritual" view on the matter.

    What I like about JWD is that Mary is from Canada and I'm from Pennsylvania( U.S.A.) and yet we've seen the same stories played out in JWland. Only the names have changed. You must see it too. You must be bothered about alot of what's going on in the organization, or you wouldn't drop in for periodic visits to apostate websites. We're here for you, Rosalee.

    Best wishes to you,


  • mrsjones5

    Awwww Nvr you're such a sweetie

  • frozen one
    frozen one


    Im a single, working guy with no kids. What do you think I can get for that

    CONGRATS!!! You get to pay 40% tax! And on behalf of society I want to say "Thank you." Now, get back to work.

    Littledream (if I remember correctly) is correct. In an entitlement society, aid goes to those who qualify for the benefit, not who deserve the benefit. Looking at a different government benefit (USA), I have friends who farm for a living. They recieve government subsidies for farming. David Letterman, who doesn't farm for a living, also recieves farm subsidies because he happens to own a farm. Does he deserve government assistance? Doesn't matter. He qualifies for the program.

    Million dollar home or not, I can't imagine living with a wife and 12 kids. I'd rather be single, childless, and paying 40% in taxes.

  • IP_SEC

    I miss Rosalee too!! Bet she'sa hot little latina alt



    Im a single, working guy with no kids. What do you think I can get for that

    Nvr... you were suposed to get my back on this comment.... .... answer LAIDalt

  • nvrgnbk

    Nvr... you were suposed to get my back on this comment.... .... answer LAIDalt

    Sorry for my slowness in assisting you, IPMaster! Long day at work, I'm draggin'. Wish I could get paid to make some bambinos too.

  • fifi40

    The reason that they are in this house is because the previous home burnt down..................they have not been given is like a rented home.............except the rent is paid through the government in the form of housing benefit..................usually families such as these live on council estates (some of which can be extremely rough, although some are nice).......................

    It is the way things are over here.............if you are unemployed you can put your hand arent going to get rich but you will have the is largely due to the size of this family that they have been allocated this property...........I think probably the council will long term be looking to put them back into council housing..........which is a lot cheaper.

    It can get your 'goat' when you are a tax payer knowing that we are supporting some lazy people...............but is probably basically true in what it says in that article that the family are better off claiming benefits than it their fault the system is in place to facilitate this..............I dont know.................there are plenty over here 'working' the system.

    At the end of the day I dont like to set myself up as judge and jury over people............I do know whilst they are claiming benefit, bar winning the lottery, they are not going to become wealthy..........but the may well be happy.

    An English Tax Payer

  • barry

    I know of a lady just after 1975 who came to our church told us the witnesses were being encouraged at that time to go on welfare called the dole here in Australia and then go witnessing full time.

    I think motherhood is so downplayed in our society that it causes people to have fewer kids or none at all and its a tradedgy.

    All mothers are paid $4000 per child here in Australia and I think its a step in the right direction. I wouldnt mind if it was double that.

  • wednesday

    At the end of the day I dont like to set myself up as judge and jury over people............I do know whilst they are claiming benefit, bar winning the lottery, they are not going to become wealthy..........but the may well be happy.

    An English Tax Payer

    "Very nicely said.

    I was reading this thread again and there is so much hostility toward the poor, under educated, disabled, and even the young children of these people .

    they are not going to get rich as was stated, and by staying home and raising all those kids, they may produce some professionals, (maybe a nurse, firefighter, etc) or at the very least their children may not end up on the streets the way the children in USA do when the welfare system forces their mother to take $5 an hour jobs and leave children at home alone.

  • Rosalee

    It's called free will ... Mary.

    nevergoingback ... good to hear from you again :)

    This news article shows that no government has the answers. All married couples have the right to have as many children as they choose. They lose that right when they have more than they can provide for. Population growth is almost stagnant. The obvious answer is to produce more children. The government has the choice to provide for them or let them starve. Thus we now have the 'working poor' who must exist to provide for these ones.

    Personally, I'd rather be the working poor. I'd have a clear conscience.

    fifi40 ... the reason their previous house burned down was because one of their kids burned it down.

    IP_SEC ... I guess there are worse things to be than a hot little latina :)

  • ex-nj-jw

    Rosalee, Sarcastic remarks have been hitting you in your head all through this thread. But no worries, we don't expect you to get, your only a JW female! Did you get that one?

    I think you've hijacked this thread enough for today. You should have some time to report so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time for ya. So sad that you are so blinded by the WBT$, maybe one day when you wake up out of your stupor, we can have an intelligent discussion. I almost feel sorry for you. You probably don't have any JW friends, they probably still ignore you and that is truely sad for anyone.

    Until then, I have nothing left to say to the likes of you, I don't like (most) JW's anyway and you've just proved to me why! (no offense to the faders, you guys are just do'n what you gotta do)

    Bye Bye Rosalee - don't expect to continue a battle with me as I have no time to waste with a poor brainwashed, apparently very young in the mind person.


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