by Mary 204 Replies latest social current

  • Littledreamfaery

    And I am back, yes its now morning here in not so sunny England. Some of us have this thing they need to do during the night, called sleeping ;)!

    Now let me see.


    Well I have to say you don't appear to be very liberal Left wing to me, but then I think that if in America myself I would be lynched due to my Anarchist leanings.

    Well I guess we could say well done to you for still managing to work despite disabilities. But what a lot of people seem to be forgetting is how hard it is to actually get a job which pays a decent wage. And once you have the job you have to keep it, if the employeer decides to lay you off because he sees he can get someone else to do you job for less money then he will do, and there you are right back at the start unemployed and hey its not fun.

    But hey well done, lucky you having a job.

    Oh in reference to paying tax, if you are working, you don't automatically pay 40% tax, its only people who are in a high wage bracket who will be paying that. :P, so really thinking about it whoever pays 40% tax well they must be earning more money than the average family dreams of earning.

    If only it was just the deserving people who got benefits, but that is not the case, so it leaves those who truly deserve the money the government pays them to live with the bad name their not so deserving counterparts have given them through their not wanting to get up and work.

    And again, I leave you with, you have your opinion, which I know you value, but me I have mine, to me it is worth so much more, I say what I say and you say what you say, it doesn't mean that what you say means anything to me ;)!

    Faery :P

  • Gill

    I know I wouldn't want to see those 12 innocent children homeless, without shoes, coats, food and the basics of life. In the end, that is all that they are receiving from the tax payer.

    I'm proud to live in a country where we don't discard children, refuse them medical treatment, food, and clothes etc.

    We waste more money bombing 'innocent' countrys. At least this is something constructive and hopefully at least some of these children will be contributing to society in their own way in the future.

    Not one of those babies is a waste of space, but a signal that at least in the UK we don't allow our kids to die in the street as long as we can help it!

    If only other countrys would also give their children completely free dental, medical, educational, and as much help physically as possible. The world would at least be a little bit better, if still not perfect.

    As for the parents, well, they are a different kettle of fish......certainly a 'little' irresponsible in having more than they can physically cope with on their own. But people do far worse!

  • Littledreamfaery

    People can be a little irresponsible at times, but I don't think that they should suffer for that.

    I have to agree with you Gill, at least in the UK children are given a chance if their parents cannot earn enough to keep them fed.

    Its a pity so much money is wasted on war and killing, more should be put into life and the bringing of life.

    Faery :P

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I can't believe people are speaking positively about these freeloaders. If the parents can't afford them, the kids should be taken away. Such people are not a benefit to anyone, nor are their children.

  • Littledreamfaery

    That may be your opinion, but then it would appear that others are of a different opinion to you.

    As it is children grow up better in a family environment, in otherwords with their parents. When children are in care they generally don't receive the care and attention they deserve. In turn this does not solve the problem. At least if they are being encouraged by their parents to seek work and earn money they are likely to make something of themselves.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    At least if they are being encouraged by their parents to seek work and earn money they are likely to make something of themselves.

    How exactly do the parents do that when they don't work themselves? This kind of behavior should not be supported. The issue involves far more than just the rights of these children.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I would support the state paying for abortions, but supporting such blatant freeloaders does no one any good. I think a positive step in the right direction would be to require sterilization before any aid could be accepted. This would completely eliminate the problem.

  • Littledreamfaery

    I don't think that there is any reason to sterilise anyone. Steps such as that were taken by the American government not so long ago.
    And as for abortion, I am absolutely opposed to abortion, it is nothing more than murder. If someone wishes to have a child and happens to be fertile enough to have one then I see nothing against them having that child. There is not enough done to encourage couple to have children, too many people take their fertility or that of others for granted, the fact is if you waited until you could 'afford' to have children you may find yourself unable to have children due to having waited too long.
    Not only that the parents in question had job previously, their oldest son is serving his country, I think that they have already encouraged one of their offspring to go into work, so whats to say the other 11 won't.
    People seem to be looking at such a think in a very negative way, only picking out the 'bad' points the bits they want to see, there isn't just negative parts to the whole thing, there are positives too, although these are brushed over and barely mentioned.

    I don't see how your opinion on how to influence a child to go to work counts for anything more that anyone elses. To encourage a child doesn't just mean doing that thing yourself, some parents are unable to work, yet their children go to work when they are old enough to do so.

    Everyone has a different opinion, I believe that a lot of people are being too harsh towards this family.

    Of course I don't believe that the majority of you view it in that way, after all if someone has a certain opinion I'm sure they aren't going to say that it is harsh in anyway.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    There is not enough done to encourage couple to have children, too many people take their fertility or that of others for granted,

    What planet do you live on? There is no shortage of population anywhere on the planet. In fact, overpopulation is a problem. You're out of touch. As far as saying abortion is murder, perhaps you should look up the definition of murder. "Murder," by definition, is killing that is illegal. A legally performed abortion then, by definition, can never be considered murder.

  • Littledreamfaery

    The Uk has an ageing population I'll have you know, yes some people are having children but there are a lot leaving it too late.

    Well if people want to have children thats up to them, its not up to others to tell them they can't. Sterilisation is something which is cruel. No one has the right to pick and choose who should and who shouldn't have children, that is very much like the whole nazi thing, its like saying we only want the ones we know will provide us with good little workers. And I don't think that is right.
    The only reason there might be an 'overpopulation' is because people are tending to live a lot longer than they used to, this is because conditions of living have improved, due to the government actually helping people who deserve it, oh and because not enough houses have been built.

    Just because you believe it would be better if people had less children, or if people were sterilised to stop them having children you don't want them to have doesn't mean what you say is right or the opinion of the majority of people.

    Your opinion may be of the abortion camp, the sterilisation camp. But there are others who would say you are wrong. I for one am. My opinion is different, just because my opinion is different doesn't mean that it is any less valid than yours it. In my view you opinion means nothing.

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