I don't feel angry or resentful, do you?

by Orgull 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • changeling


    I've never been angry at individual witnesses (except my parents, but that's another story). I was angry at the religion in general because it took over my life and the lives of so many others. But, as others have said, that was a phase and I am in the acceptance phase now.

    I too, feel happy and at peace and I'm glad you are here and did not have to go through the yucky phases.


  • greendawn

    It's a good way of looking at things not being resentful but for many that is difficult once they realise that they had been deceived, manipulated, exploited and then shunned by family members especially close ones like parents or children.

    Surely what's more important is to have visions for the future and take the past in your stride not dwelling upon it too much.

  • erandir


    Bargaining: Not sure if this would apply

    What about this? "If only I could get back the last 7 years of my life I wasted with the borg..."

    I don't really feel like that most of the time, but sometimes I think "what if" along those lines. I did learn a couple good things from the witnesses, but I think I could have picked up the same lessons from others along the way. Who knows.

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