Did someone disable the reply function on Wanderer's topic!!?

by NotaNess 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    ExWit, Here's what I think. Either Richard is "getting it" or there's something wrong with him. How he responds will be telling.

  • exwitless

    I have personally suggested the same things in my post to him on more than one occasion, by PM. Others, including Little Toe, Little Drummer Boy, and so on, have kindly suggested to him the same things. Nothing has worked. I hope our 'tough love' approach will get through his thick skull.

  • minimus

    Then maybe it's option #2 on my list.

  • exwitless

    Quite possibly.

  • minimus

    My prediction is that he will make another thread similar to all the others.

  • exwitless

    What's your wager?

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Q. Is the Wanderer supporting or advocating the Watchtower Society?

    A. NO!

    Q.What is he trying to say?

    A. He is taking a real-life scenario and
    asking "How would you resolve this matter?"

    In other words, can you see this topic or any previous
    topic from another perspective and offer suggestions to
    problem solve it?

    That's it!


    The Wanderer

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    Maybe he just has his screen resolution set to 640x480 and can't fit it all in the normal space when he composes his articles posts?

  • hillary_step
    27-Jul-07 12:39 by The wanderer: Incorrect and bloody annoying formatting
    27-Jul-07 12:40 by The wanderer: Incorrect and bloody annoying formatting

    Glad to say that this software has not been taken in.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Sorry, Hill:

    Sometimes, I confuse the two programming languages.


    The Wanderer

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