IP_SEC, I am gonna have to shun you now. Now you did it! I'm gonna have to anal lyze you now.
Did someone disable the reply function on Wanderer's topic!!?
by NotaNess 68 Replies latest jw friends
Little Drummer Boy
The Wanderer presents subjects that are controversial no doubt, and if it
too much for an individual, left click with your mouse .But, what if 99% of the people here don't want you to "present subjects" to us? We had our fill of that at the Kingdom Hall. What if we just want to be your friends? I would like to get to know the real you, not your "articles". You are not "The Wanderer". That is a screen name. Behind that screen name is a real person who I (and I'm sure others) want to know.
I want to know your thoughts and feelings. I want you to come here when you've had a bad day, have you tell us about it, and then have the opportunity to help you (with advice, a kind word, whatever).
I would like to see you post to other's threads and offer encouragement, your views, your advice (and none of those things with special journalized formating). I would get to know you that way.
Won't you give us the chance to find out the real you underneath the polished text?
The Wanderer - here's what I just recently posted on another thread (on which you were mentioned):
Regarding the Wanderer: Yes, his "articles" stink and are annoying. I've tried to help him see why we think so. I'm sure he doesn't intend to offend anyone or make inflammatory comments. It is my personal opinion that his brain is still very muddied by the WT mind control. He needs to be deprogrammed, and that's what I think he's trying to accomplish here. OK, so he's annoying. But he's not an a$$hole like some past members (who shall remain nameless.) He's just screwed up.
I do believe that your mindset is still that of the WT's. Not that you believe the things the borg does, but that your thought patterns are like theirs. If you have noticed, a highly controversial topic can be discussed on this forum and wind up being 10 pages long. Some people get a little hot under the collar about their particular belief, but when the discussion has fizzled out, no one is worse for the wear. For example, in recent weeks, I have seen 2 separate threads about abortion on this forum. You can't get much more controversial than that. But the way the topics were presented was tactful and down to earth. They weren't written in a way to instigate an argument so that the thread maker could sit back and observe the word wars. The thread maker had a genuine interest in the topic, because it in some way directly affected them.
So your argument that people object to your threads because they are "controversial" is invalid. It's not the controversial nature of the topic. By the way, there have been dozens of threads about child abuse on this forum. Yours isn't the first, nor will it be the last. Given this information, you must agree that it is your approach to subjects that is offensive, not the subject itself. Are you with me?
Who are you?
Perhaps, the individuals on this board do not know what your motivation is,
however, from my perspective it is questions slanted toward negativity.I do not have an ego nor do I try to impress anyone on the board.
Simply, I test how I used to think against how I think today.The Wanderer presents subjects that are controversial no doubt, and if it
too much for an individual, left click with your mouse .In the thread above Richard, you are refer to Wanderer in the third person....I think that sums it up. You have detached to the point whereby Richard and Wanderer are two different people. I spent time talking to Richard after he left the JW's and he was going on and on about starting a business, not just any business but a huge money making enterprise, BIG, and writing a book, and filming a movie....Richard had a substantial ego. You refer to Wanderer as not having an ego or trying to impress anyone.....I think you need to spend time with a good therapist and sort out who is Richard and who is Wanderer and whether they can coexist together in a healthy way.
IP_SEC, I am gonna have to shun you now. Now you did it! I'm gonna have to anal lyze you now.
Well I was hoping
gumby valisMaximus would give me my first "shunning" but I guess you'll do -
I like Richard The Wanderer.
Wanderer, you controversial shitdisturber you. ;)
Okay. I'm cool with the efforts to decision make. I even appreciate the *ahem* attempt at a creative approach. Here's something I hope you will take into consideration. Is copying/imitating JW article formatting really being "creative"? Can you see how some might feel like those "articles" callously push people's emotional and psychological buttons for personal advantage?? Do you even care? Many view this place more like a psychological support group though some of us can't help but toy with it as an art gallery.
What do you think?
I have to be honest with you. (But only because I'm brave.) In the context of this place I've come to enjoy visiting as a place safe from the JW world....it makes my heart skip a beat, in a negative way, every time I catch a first glimpse of one of your "articles". They just remind me too much of JW articles. It's like one of those flashback things that transports you, unwillingly, to a place you once were that you'd never like to go back to because it was emotionally traumatic. I don't even go around thinking about the psychological impact of some WT formatting until I'm slapped in the face by one of your articles.
I think, deep down, that that is the unpleasant effect the formatting of your articles are having on many here. Seems like many have already taken accountability for their own emotions and simply decided to avoid your posts. Others read on to try and understand what point you are trying to make or where you are coming from. By simply reading it we ARE asking where you are coming from. That goes without saying, no? It's really quite a fascinating experiment into human sociology and psychology if you're into that view of things. But for the vast numbers who are more into just being human, it can be a bit much when you step on someone's fingers and then they go "ow ow ow ow" and then you go, "why haven't you asked where I'm coming from", it's scary.
I wonder if you realize this is the effect you are having. I wonder if you even care. Or maybe you like it, as scary as that would be.
If I was hanging with exjws, say I even invited some over for dinner. Would it really be a "creative" contribution to remake the inside of my home to look just like a kingdom hall for the visit? I can see 'some' humour in that because I'm at a bit of a flippant place with things sometimes. Timing plays a role of course where social interaction is concerned. Maybe it would fit on Halloween or something. But it's a stretch. My own ethics dictate that I have to ask myself at times whether my desire to be "creative" or "contraversial" is more important than the psychological sensitivities of everyone else in the room. And whether that is really my place to judge. People, my fellow earthlings, go through genuinely traumatic experiences with the witness stuff and I hope I wouldn't systematically aggravate their sore spots without their prior consent.
Sometimes our creative genius along a certain vein is best left for a better time or place, no? I was actually thinking that the contents of your posts would be seen as delightfully creative in a slightly different context. (Perhaps if I had shared that thought you wouldn't be in the position of underdog right now.) As in, not on this board, but maybe on your own website, along with explanatory disclaimers so that the intent is less fuzzy and people who dare to enter will have the explicit CHOICE of whether or not to proceed further in appreciating your personal take on "creativity"? I mean, I can see how staring at a strange version of JW articles can be seen as art by you even as it feels like a bullet to someone else.
Perhaps being understood isn't part of your personal agenda here. Fair enough. Are you so far gone into your own life experience that you can't step out and see where people are coming from with this? Is there anything we can do to help your situation?
Please forgive me if I'm coming across too strong on top of everything else you are faced with here by way of response to your input on the board. This whole thing is a reminder to me too, to step outside my own uses of this board and check in from time to time as to the needs others are expressing as well.
Did you use to write for the society? You imitate their style very well.
Are you a lawyer and bound by confidentiality?
Do you feel so far removed from humanity that you prefer to play puppetmaster with their emotions?
Or are you just a guy from the borg trying to make his way in the world, finding it frightening to do outright and so creatively find a puppet to talk behind, unfortunately for you choosing the only puppet you've ever known, the JW Watchtower format???
Fascinating stuff.
I don't know. Maybe we're just trying to establish how safe we can feel around you. As in, when I tell you somethings hurting me or mine, how do you respond? It's a vulnerable place for us. I hope you'll handle your newfound power wisely. ;) -
I've just caught up on reading this thread. I feel that LDB hit the nail in the head. Richard: we want to know YOU. You post these hypothetical questions and then sit back and read OUR thoughts, you very seldom post YOUR thoughts. And you very seldom add to other people's threads.
You and I have PM"d in the past and discussed introversion. I think your introversion is holding you back from sharing yourself with us. You are insecure and afraid. Let down your guard. Share your thoughts and emotions with us. We may not always agree but we will appreciate your candor and honesty.
The "creepy" thing comes through in your detachment. Your looking at our reactions like you would look at a bug under a microscope. Change your approach, take a risk and show us who you really are. Our reactions may pleasantly surprise you.
choosing life
When you say "The Wanderer" wants to know something, speaking of yourself in third person, I do feel that you think you are detached in some manner. It is almost as if you are afraid to become one of us. This makes it hard to reply sincerely, as I don't feel I am talking with you but some third person entity and I don't know this third person's agenda. In fact, I am not sure of your agenda.
You have gotten some good advice to lighten up and just be yourself. Maybe you should consider this? I find it hard to start threads here sometimes, as I am shy and afraid to take risks even in simple things. I can't really blame this on the society, as I have always been this way.
I can't tolerate the way the society plays with words and sets up theoretical situations that always lead to what they say is correct. It is a mind game and I don't like to play mind games. Try dropping the special format and just talk human to human and you might be surprised at the sincere responses you receive. I don't think anyone is against you personally, but you have to take that first step by putting yourself out there for others to know.
I know that I don't do too well at this myself, so I can understand your hesitancy, if this is in deed the reason for your eerie format.