Do you like where you live?

by R.F. 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.F.

    I live in the southern United States. I'm not too fond of the State i'm in but i'm within close driving distance of some very cool places. The people in the south are awesome, very hospitable. I wouldn't mind relocating to another State even, but I could be in worse places right now though.

    How about you?


  • ex-nj-jw

    I live in the southeast but i'm originally from the northeast. I hate where I live and would move back in a heartbeat!


  • FadingAway

    I also like where I live, but I lived in Vermont before I moved down south. I would move back to Vermont in a heartbeat if I could.

  • brunnhilde

    I live in the Pacific NW and LOVE it. I would consider moving further north up to the Seattle/Tacoma area or even further north into Canada but having lived for ten months in Utah, I've come to recognize that I'm most definitely a rainy day/cloudy weather kinda gal. Plus I need TREES! and MOUNTAINS! Not those little hills they call mountains back on the east coast.

  • R.F.

    What's wrong with the south??

  • SnakesInTheTower

    RF...since I know where you are I will only say I would love to visit that area. Lot of beautiful places in your state.

    I live in the midwest. I live in one of the counties of the MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) of a major city that covers 2 states. I have been in this town most of my life. I often complain about the town I live in it is so backward and not much to do here, but the area has lots to do....and the cost of living is cheaper here than many places I have visited. Many in this state cross state lines and work in the other state because the wages are more there. But right now I have a good job, good gig, make lots of money and dont have to worry, as long as the gravy train continues to roll.

    There are tons of attractions and natural places to go see within 2-3 hours of here and I have not even scratched the surface of seeing them. I need to change that. Bummer that I am doing it by myself. By now I was supposed to be married (so I can relate to your experience RF..) and I was looking forward to taking the new wife and stepdaughter to see all of that.

    ...all of my friends are here, and 95% of them are JW....which is making the fade more difficult (maybe nearly impossible) than I anticipated. To move away means I have to get out of my comfort zone and start over. Not sure I am going to do that. I always said the only reasons I would move are 1) get married 2) get a new job and 3) move to where the need is great well, at least I can cross #3 off the list of reasons to move . So I will try to keep the whining about where I live to a dull roar.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "probably not moving any time soon" Sheep Class)

  • FadingAway
    What's wrong with the south??

    R.F.: Absolutlely nothing is wrong with the South! Sorry, didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I do like where I am at, but I always have considered Vermont my home (funny, thing is I only lived there 3 1/2 years but always felt like my place was there.)

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I live in the midwest in Corn crop central . Whew it is boring......but I do enjoy the green grass and trees . Small town living has some good points ...I don't fear taking a walk after dark, and there is always a parking place close to any store or bank . I lived in North Carolina on the coast as a child and I think the ocean is in my blood . Whenever we get a chance for vacation I always choose someplace close to water . We just got back from San Diego loved it there , but I think I would go crazy with so many people around all the time . If we could afford it I would be willing to give it a try though

  • Sassy

    I miss the people in the midwest. They are more hospitable and giving.. Its a different culture here in Los Angeles... but I do love the weather... I am probably here for life.. although I'm willing to consider other areas too if I could find work there..

  • JH

    I find winter too long here.

    Lets say that I like it from May to October :)

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