I miss the people in the midwest. They are more hospitable and giving.. Its a different culture here in Los Angeles
Funny you said this Sassy, because one of my best GF's is now in LA. She was born there but moved to Chicago and lived here for around 5 years. However, during that period of time she had some real heart break. She was amazed at how people here came to her aid, more so then the people she grew up w/ out in LA. She has always said that if it were not for the winters (and the fact that all her family lives in LA) she would have never moved back.
I love Chicago. I do miss having a back yard, but I cannot afford to owe a real house in Chicago, so condo living it is for me. I love being able to walk to and from work. I love not having to own a car (which I don't). I love stepping outside my office and crossing the street to go to a concert in the Park. But what I love the most about the city is that it has given me some of the most wonderful friends. I may not have a huge group of friends but for the ones I have (old and new alike) they are amazing. I would not give up the City for anything.
However ... you knew there had to be a butt (hee hee) in there some where .... I would hate to be old and live in the City. It is too crazy fast and people are too rushed and drivers are crazy. So, I suspect when I get old (and I mean really old), I will settle in some small town where everyone waves at eachother and I have a back yard to enjoy.