very interesting Leolaia, thanks for that explanation, it makes sense
If death is the result of sin, why do animals die?
by Orgull 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It should also be borne in mind that Paul's use of biblical themes from Genesis (from which the modern concept of the "fall of man" via sin derives) in Romans 5:12-14 is a late theological reinterpretation of the original Hebrew story which draws on themes developed in the Hellenistic period (cf. Sirach 25:23, "In woman was sin's beginning, and because of her we all die"). There is no concept of sin per se in Genesis and the story implies that death is already in existence as a concept in the Garden and it is understood as something that is forestalled by the Tree of Life; since man already "is" dust and since death is part of the natural order, it is not that death as a category sprang into existence through the act of disobedience. Rather, it is that act that made man and woman vulnerable to death in a way they were not already.
As for the story of Nimrod, do you think there was something deeper there that the OT does not delve into? Something to do with the Tree of Life or something similiar?
John Doe
Animals die because they're made of meat. ;-)
Actually, from my dub days I recall that man had dominion over the animals, so his sin brought about not only his own death, but animal deaths as well. It's all a bunch of baloney.
I've come to the conclusion that death is perfectly natural and is an integral and indispensable part of the joys we have in this world. Without death, birth can not exist. Without death, change can not exist, without fall and winter, spring and summer can not exist.
Everything as we know it exists in a cyclic motion of death and regeneration. When we denounce and condemn death as unnatural or not right, we are in effect doing the same thing to birth and new life. Interesting thing to ponder.
Isn’t it interesting even though Adam and Eve were promised death for eating the fruit they are not the first person to die.their son who god found righteous was the first person to die. How swift and precise is Jehovahs justice🤓🙄
Also they claim that since Adam and Eve were perfectly made in the image of god that they would live forever. If they were so perfect why didn’t they already have the knowledge of God and his angels. The knowledge of good and evil.
The bible says that A&E were good, not perfect and the text implies that they needed to eat of the tree of life, in the middle of the garden, to sustain their life. Once cast out of the garden the angels guarded the entrance so that they wouldn't be able to eat of the tree and live forever.
Also, A&E were destined to die for their own unrighteousness as God decreed. Abel died as a result of his brother's unrighteousness, which had nothing to do with God's justice.
Did you even read the account before you critiqued it?
So the tree was some new superfruit?
what would have stopped all the ravenous vegetarians, lyons, hyenas, bears to eat the fruit, leafs, roots, bark from the tree of life, even after the posting of the angels?
.their son [Abel] who god found righteous was the first person to die.
enigma 1863 . never thought of that. yeah, scripture has it that "the one with thinking ability will be hated." Abel was smart, he had all these sheep die on him, and the meat, fat, i was useless, even the cats and dogs would not eat it. so he sacrificed them on the altar, rather then send the offal to the dump.
Evolution: survival of the fittest.religion: survival of the dumbest.
think people do not believe in God, religion or sin.
somehow, that makes more sense to me.
The rest is