We can slay the beast.
Thar she blows!
by nvrgnbk 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals
We can slay the beast.
Thar she blows!
"Attention Bethel: would you please post a reply to this thread so we know that Nvr's message has been received? Thanks for your attention to this matter."
I dont think there is anything to fight anymore, apart from the minds of people still trapped which people do here very well. Everytime someone leaves, we win again.
Comparing the WTS to Moby Dick is a bit misleading, in my opinion.
(1) Moby Dick was a fictional character that only ever did fictional damage while the WTS is a very real Corporate entity that does very real and lasting damage.
(2) Moby Dick had oceans of water to hide beneath while the WTS has nothing to hide beneath any longer, not even the courts.
(3) Of the crew, only Ahab knew the character and monstrousness of the white whale, while thousands of people (probably millions) know exactly what the WTS really is.
(4) The crew tried to harpoon the beast but it could escape underwater with minimal damage, while the beast we hunt in landbound and lumberingly tremendous in scale—we can't miss.
(5) The ship that chased the white whale was limited in its number and variety of ammunition while our supply and variety is virtually limitless.
(6) The crew could only strike the beast from one angle at a time while we have our target surrounded and badly wounded.
So, I hope the discouraging references to Moby Dick can subside, since they are not really equivalent to the situation in which we find ourselves.
To those that get me, thanks. I appreciate that, Stealth.
I'm not kidding.
To those that are making light of this, thank you as well.
I gave everything I was and everything I had to these deluded liars.
I know many of you did the same.
Sorry if you think I'm coming on too strong or making an ass of myself.
I know what motivates me.
I have sensationalized nothing.
Hey Nvr,
Sorry if I mocked your pain and/or sincerity.
I truly concur with your original post.
And since you won't say it, I will.
"Die, f***ing cult. Die!"
I feel better now.
It gets easier every time I type it. And strangely, I see no thunder clouds forming over my keyboard.
Open Mind
(of the, got Nvr's back on this one, class)
I never questioned you for a second, Om.
I'm not taking seriously those who are goofing either.
I don't blame them.
They're thinking, "get over it man". "Lighten up. You're taking it too seriously. You're taking yourself too seriously."
I get that. But I'm not going to get over it. I know why I say that.
I know what I gave and what I left behind. It's just too much to forget.
I am enjoying the squirming that the ex-JW community has elicited in the Governing Body of Deluded Liars.
The Kingdom Ministry article being publicized here is evidence of that.
Amen and amen.
Keep chipping away. Drain their strength. Wear them down. This is the key to our successful
guerilla war.
Thanks, metatron.
We will never rest.
I was away from the forum for a bit and was thinking of doing up a slightly off-center, new thread: "Your Favorite Ways of Wreaking Havoc." This, your new thread, borne of righteous indignation and the hurt and damage done to us survivors, says it all. Why can't they [GB and diverse WT officials] just say "We're sorry and wish to make amends, no matter what and how long it takes"?
I feel we all of us - to a greater or lesser degree - are going to wreak our own havoc, our personal and/or collective warfare against the Beast of Brooklyn. The Beast of Revelation seems a pussycat by comparison [or are they the same?!?!?].