Watchtower Officials- Please Read This!

by nvrgnbk 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • BFD

    I know what I gave and what I left behind. It's just too much to forget.

    Learn from it. I know why you do what you do, friend. Die, Evil Cult, Die! (That does feel good.)

    Whatever the future holds for the WT$ is of no consequence. Please remember, the WT$ is barely an insy winsy bleep in the grand scheem of things.

    Your future is so bright!


  • Blueblades

    NVR. I'm with you. The Watchtower watchdogs will read this one. We lost so much, and the pain is there, it subsides for a while and then comes back from time to time. I'm happy for you that you were able to get your son out and the others too.

    With this new OKM info, more will leave. I always read all your post topics and responses, even though I don't always respond myself. You have been an asset on this forum. Keep on keeping on. Thanks for your pm's. I'm ok now.


  • nvrgnbk

    I am touched.

    Thank you, Blue. You don't know how happy I am to know that you "shook it off" for now and are feeling better.

    That's all we really can do. Like you say, "We lost so much, and the pain is there, it subsides for a while and then comes back from time to time."


    Thanks CoCo and BFD! I'm glad to know the likes of you.


    Nvrgnbk..Good thread..But..The WBT$ has heard this all before..They don`t care..Thats good!..They will continue to ignore the injurys they have suffered..Even as they suffer more injurys..The WBT$ are not fast learners..We can and are,using their arrogance to our advantage...OUTLAW

  • Paralipomenon

    I am just shocked that people here are so mad at an organization took so much of their time away from family, relaxation and pleasure, that they in turn vow to dedicate an equal amount of time to bringing about it's downfall.

    When you were a witness, they preoccupied your free time with mindless pursuits. Now that you are out, you are preoccupied with bringing it down.

    Life tossed us all a second chance. Not spending that time with family, at least to me is squandering it.

    If you feel your emotions and energy are better spent fighting ONE religion that is doing injustices out there, all the power to you. Will you stop at the JW's though, or move on to other religions that are doing equal if not worse things to their members?

    Is it moral outrage, or merely revenge.

    In 10 years from now, will you feel this time not spent with your family was worth it? Better yet, will they feel that way?

    Either way, no hard feelings.

  • AlphaOmega


    All those who hoped for a more lenient Governing Body to arise from these four recent additions (who represent 1/3 of the vote in the GB, BTW) should be answered by the new stance on information as well as by the public vs. private issues of the Watchtower. Get ready for pressure, folks. JWs are about to feel the squeeze.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of info about these new additions please ? Are these really really new additions or are we talking about a year or so ago... thanks


    I love the way that you always personify the organisation...

    Then you snatch it back from them and reduce them to a vapour

    You are dying.

    You are evaporating.

    It is almost as if it really is a living entity... that by the time that people get to the top of the GB, they are so wrapped up in this stuff that they just carry it on.

    I wonder how many really know the truth ?

    I wonder how many are in it for their own Beth Sarim ?

  • nvrgnbk

    I know what you mean, OUTLAW.

    I know you guys have been fighting the lies for a long time.

    I've just never seen them so scared.

    Their arrogance is their biggest weakness.

    My father, an elder since '72, admits that the organization has behaved arrogantly. He feels they will pay for it.

    Thanks, Para. I really get what you're saying. I appreciate your good advice.

    It's just kind of difficult to let some of this go.

    The new KM really slapped me upside the head with the standard WT arrogance. It brought some strong feelings to the fore.

    I've sent you a pm with some additional information about my situation.

    Good to hear from you, AO.

  • AlphaOmega
    Good to hear from you, AO.

    You too... that's the thing with an addiction... you are addicted !

    Why is this place SO addictive ?

  • Chameleon

    Will they completely fade away?

    I have no idea, but it has gotten weaker.

    Personal experiences: I'm an MS, but I'm going to school for at least an associate's degree, if not a bachelor's, and I'll be gone as soon as I can move out. All the high school kids in the hall I'm in say they're going to college.

  • nvrgnbk

    Precisely, Chameleon.

    You illustrate very well my point about the new generation.

    The kids coming up today will not sit still for this propaganda.

    The organization is weakening.

    Boredom is a huge problem.

    It's only going to get worse.

    Congratulations on getting your education.

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