Watchtower Officials- Please Read This!

by nvrgnbk 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Chameleon

    Thanks; I don't know if you read sirnose's recent thread, but that's what happened to me in a way.

    My parents know I have doubts, but we haven't talked about it since that day that I told them everything I knew.

    So, they probably know I'm gone mentally, but they like to daydream, I guess.

    A couple of days ago, I pointed out that a lot of JW things are like the Pharisees, and they didn't like it. Hahaha.

  • nvrgnbk
    I pointed out that a lot of JW things are like the Pharisees

    Sounds like a nice topic for a JWD thread. LOL!

    Love to hear your thoughts.

  • Mum

    Preach it, Bro. nvr.

    And for those WT officials reading this:

    Peace and love to all,


  • erandir
    I pointed out that a lot of JW things are like the Pharisees

    Sounds like a nice topic for a JWD thread. LOL!

    Love to hear your thoughts.

    You're in luck, peeps...I have one started already!

  • Junction-Guy

    I think you already know how I feel about this lying cult.

  • steve2

    There's an old English proverb, That which doesn't break you, makes you stronger.

    I love that, in the midst of my own pain and distress soon after leaving the Watchtower, emerged a stronger, more resilient man. They called me "weak" and indecisive" and implied I would end up in dire straits. Now, has the Watchtower robbed me of anything? Undoubtedly, yes. Has it - even inadvertently - given me anything to make myself stronger and better able to withstand opposition? Yes.

    I may never forgive those men at the top who keep the watchtower going, but I will also remain amazed that, despite their entrenched, hatred, I've been able to improve the quality of my life and develop excellent survival skills. Let's hail human resilience - which, by definition, flourishes in the face of adversity!

  • nvrgnbk

    Great sentiment, steve2!

  • brinjen

    We smell your fear, your terror.

    And it smells delicious.

    Do the right thing and apologize for your misdeeds, or fade into oblivion.

    Oblivion awaits you either way.

    I should not give you the time of day, but as long as there is one slave left in your oppresive shackles, I will devote the same energy and time I once devoted to spreading your damaging propaganda to freeing minds and hearts.

    Great thread nvr! Especially that last line, "I will devote the same energy..." Imagine if all us ex-witlessness put in the same effort. I've been thinking of doing something here, got the DC coming up this month. Any suggestions?

    BTW: I am being serious

  • nvrgnbk

    Follow your heart, brinjen.

  • flipper

    Nvr- Mr. Flipper here. I totally am with you bro on your views! I don't think any of us could ever come out strong enough against the org. to reply to all the hurt and pain they have caused us all. I, too got my son out of it 4 years ago, but the org. still has my daughters 20 and 19 trapped! I feel Brinjen speaks the truth when she says if we all put forth a supreme effort to bring this cult down and to it's knees then in time many more can escape the mind controlling , manipulative ways of the governing body . I for one am glad we have wonderful people like yourself who have the courage to speak up against the wrongs of the org. I'm personally doing everything I can to help others see the need to get out of this stupid mind numbing religion! ( Refer to my witnessed to a sreet witness about molestation thread). Any little bit of real truth we can plant in these people, in time, just might make a difference Good thread nvr!!

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