Because this forum is fairly active there is a lot of information appearing on it and that is bound to enlighten those that have doubts. Indeed numerous ex JWs have testified on how this forum helped them get over the JW deception.
by Seeker4 25 Replies latest jw friends
The old true-ism goes 'truth will out' and JWD is one of the places it goes to do that.
I was amazed by the variety of opinion here on JWD, as WTW states.
The WTS boasts of the 'unity' within it's ranks, but hordes of zombies marching in lockstep is not unity, it's conformity.
The diverse folks on JWD who hold many and varying opinions and yet are still relatively unified...
THAT is unity.
And THAT is another reason JWD is vitally important, it serves as a counterpoint to the conformity of the WTS, thus revealing it for what it is.
Roller (of the 'glad to be here' sheep class)
The last time the wts took this much control over the r&f was less than 10 yrs before the great apostasy of 1980. Your post has me wondering if we are soon to see another one. Perhaps Randy should get that plane out and buzz another dc
I was baptized in 1963 and was Pioneering from 1970 to 1974. I remember the '75 fiasco fairly well!
S4 -
Seeker4..I just have to ask..LOL!!.....How did you feel preaching all those years and the New System never arrived?..Were you able to block it from your mind,as so many did?..My mom still dosen`t believe WBT$ preached armageddon by 1975..Yet,she preached it for over 2 decades.That totally friggin`n amazes me!..I would love to read your thoughts about this...OUTLAW
I thought about all of that all the time - and I certainly didn't expect 1975 would bring the Big A. So many missing things.
I'll write more about this later.
S4 -
Seeker4..Cool..I`ll check in later..I`ve got to get some stuff done,on the ranch...OUTLAW
Tyrone van leyen
Holy crap seeker you were baptized 3 years before I was even born. You make a good point about this board as a fine way of making an easier exodus. For me I left without knowlegde and was still a beleiver lost in guilt and dejection. This board gave me the strength and conviction to put myself together after 22 years and fight back. All those who were injured and didn't pose a threat from long ago can now clearly do damage as well.
This, along with the recent generation of newbies, who won't suffer as much, and be a lot healthier in mind and spirit, we will be able to stick an ice pick in your vital parts, where it belongs.
It's an information center, a source of insight on hidden issues.
Golf -
new KM Questiion Box denouncing study of any literature outside of the WTS's
Could someone post this question box? I'm haven't gotten any KM's for several months and haven't seen that.