SO .. at the suggestion of krw,
I checked with the health department to find out the laws for my state. I learned that they do not allow home bakeries here. So I had to rethink some things. I talked with a lot of people and they all seem to think its a good idea to open a bakery. The truth is that there aren't very many bakeries at ALL around here and we really need another one.So I talked with my mother-in-law about it and she said she would give me enough money to buy whatever I needed for a kitchen. She also agreed to work there for no pay until I could afford to hire someone. She already decided she is gong to start buying cake pans now so we'll have them when it starts. My husband is very excited about it too and very supportive.
The idea I've had is to do the normal bakery thing and make wedding cakes and birthday cakes ... But I also want it to be a coffee shop and sell desserts by the slice. Sort of like a Starbucks with the specialty being the desserts instead of the coffee. People here love hangouts like that and we really do not have enough of them.
And so here's the pictures: My 2nd and 3rd cakes: