What COULDN'T You Do Because You Were A Jehovah's Witness?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    A Witness cannot question anything from a critic's point of view. Wondering aloud why the Watchtower says a certain thing can get you in trouble with the Think Police (the Elders).

    What things can you think of that are taboo for JWs???

  • nvrgnbk

    I couldn't be myself.

  • minimus

    Nvrgbk, I'm glad you are who you are!

  • nvrgnbk

    What an unWitnesslike comment, min. LOL!

    I love you too, man!

  • reneeisorym

    I got in trouble for dressing up like a Native American a few days before Thanksgiving .. :(

    I couldn't be a cheerleader or a girl scout.

  • Musicman

    I couldn't grow out my beard.

    I couldn't take music electives in high school because of the holiday programs.

    I couldn't have a non-JW girlfriend... for that fact, I couldn't have a JW girlfriend because I was too young to be thinking about marriage.

    I couldn't sleep-in on Saturday mornings . I couldn't sleep-in on Sunday mornings .

    Oh, and I might have wanted to be a medical doctor... but because of my own conviction that Doctors would be useless in the New System, I never seriously considered it.

    And many, many other things.


  • minimus

    In regard to liking people, we COULDN'T like ANYONE OTHER than a JW! Even those that were our "brothers", we should view as dead if they no longer wanted to be active in the religion. A WT. brought out that we should not only hate the sin but also the sinner!!

    It's nice to feel normal and "like" people. I'm glad to be outta the cult!

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey min,

    It may be easier to say what we could do as a JW, the list would be shorter!

    I'm glad I'm out too!


  • nvrgnbk

    Hey, Musicman!

    Beards are from Satan!

    Except for the ones all the dudes in the Bible had. Including Jesucristo.

    But in the modern history of Jehovah's name people, they are nowhere to be found.

    For example, Charles Taze Russell...oops...nevermind.

  • minimus

    You couldn't watch "R" rated movies. Even "PG13" was very questionable. Soaps were out as they encouraged immorality. Romance novels were taboo. Horror flix were demonized. MUSIC was all bad, pretty much. Nothin' was good enuf!

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