I had an ex wife , a witness who made me throw away my vcr tape recording of the movie "Jaws" because she thought it would damage my puberty aged children. Later I bought the 25 year dvd anniversary version after my divorce from her. Watched it with my "older" teenagers in my own house. Talk about the thrill of freedom! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
What COULDN'T You Do Because You Were A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
keyser soze
Play football, go to college, say the pledge of allegiance, date just for the fun of it, ask the wrong questions, participate in holiday or birthday parties at school, go to school dances, watch R-rated movies(never mind, I did that anyway), hang out with worldly kids who were far better association than the kids at the kingdom hall, sleep in on the weekends, basically anything that would have made me feel like a normal person.
F*** them! I did divorce him...Best thing I ever did. Then I left the JWs...second best thing I ever did.
I didn't know it at the time, (because that is all I knew, being raised in) but there was hardly a decision I could make for myself. So much had to be dictated by the publications, the GB and the WBTS, that I had to learn, as an adult, how to make life decisions on my own merit rather than always running to some publication or some programming from the publications that had embedded itself in my character.
So, I guess I'd say I could not make my own, my very own, decisions in many cases because I was a Jehovah's Witness. But, again, were someone to have told me that when I was a Witness, I would have protested strongly. Hind-sight, huh?
This reminds me of what I was thinking not long ago. Notice how the WTS covers everything in the indoctrinating process. Very early on they forewarn that well meaning relatives will try to discourage you from "examining the scriptures" and then later on during the study they demonize the thought of "deciding for oneself" (something Eve had done remember?) which the the whole reason why God permits wickedness and suffering, etc. They make you think you can't make up your own mind on anything but have to be dependent on "God's word the bible or better yet "his channel"".
I started making a list to reply to this, but it's way too dammed depressing! Let's just say that, like many others here, I missed the chance at having a normal and fun childhood! Especially not participating in high school sports.
I just thank my lucky (yup, that’s right elders, I said lucky!!!) stars that I’m forever out of that mind controlling nonsense! Now I can finally enjoy life...anyone up for a beer this weekend???
I could not be close to my blood family. The last year or so has more than made up for a decade of disturbed mental conditioning. At last I am at one with myself.
I couldnt live without feeling guilty of wanting to enjoy this life.