For the men:

by changeling 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I sport something that is a cross between a soul patch and goatee. I still have it - it makes the dubs steam when they see it.

    Tonght my wife bot me a t-shirt that says; 'Ask me why I am no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses!'

    The two should nicely complement dont' you think?


  • PEC

    I had one for 24 years, until it was more grey than brown. I wasn't going to die it; so, I shaved it off.

    Philip (of the 85 posts to jedi class.)

  • coolhandluke

    i have one now because i hate shaving and i look like im 12. so this way i look older, shave once a week... more like a trim, and my mom hates it. rock on!

  • Seeker4

    I've grown a couple of goatees over the years, but end up shaving them - I am told I look better and younger without them, which is all anyone needs to hear to get rid of them!

    I had several friends who left and grew, and still have, full beards. Three former brothers and one sister.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Three former brothers and one sister.

    Seeker - please post the pic of the Sister. I love euro women.


  • nvrgnbk
    Now I have just the moustache and soul patch.

    That's it, man!

    We're a good-looking bunch, us apostates! LOL!

    I had several friends who left and grew, and still have, full beards. Three former brothers and one sister.

    Changeling is out of posts...and feeling like a demon in Tartarus.

  • JH

    I grew a beard when I started being inactive. A few brothers saw me with the beard at work, and didn't

    Once I was at the canteen, and a brother presented me a newbie to the truth, and he looked at me with a funny expression when he saw my beard...

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I had a goatee for awhile when I was 19- 25, I would get tired of it and shave it then let it grow back

  • bigdreaux

    i did. i have brown hair, then i have a perfect line where my beard starts, and it grew in a deep red. it was fun for a while, but, too many people said i looked like a cereal killer, so, i shaved it to a goatee. then a friend of mine said it looked like i was licking a toilet brush. so, now, i just stick to rugged stubble.

  • startingover

    I had a goatee for many years, just because. I considered it was a sign. Since I'm not DF'd or DA'd it let JW's I know who rarely saw me that I was no longer involved. Just shaved it off recently to let my skin see the sun, and I too get to comments about looking younger. Of course I get tons of comments from JW's, I suppose they think it means I'm on the road to coming back. Wrong!

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