I still remember all the petty bullcrap at the meetings in the late seventies about hair length. So much energy and time was used up deciding what constitutes long hair that it went beyond rediculous. Both of my brother in laws who are elders even lament that it went too far and caused alot of problems. It's funny they can be ashamed of that and not 1975 or the generation of 1914.
For the men:
by changeling 74 Replies latest jw friends
I had a goatee for about a year or so, and it just got to be too much of a pain, and a mess to keep trimmed so I got rid og it. Later I grew a beard just to see if I could, I did, then shaved it off.
Shaved it off when I went in, grew it back when I went out. Actually the beard was back about six or eight months before the DA letter was mailed.
I quit!
I grew one while I was a witness just because I could.
I let it grow for about 3 weeks a few times but keep shaving it when I see the grays.
Little Drummer Boy
LDB - You really did the laser thing?
I have no problem with that - but a ton of curiousity about it.
Hi Jeff,
It seems there is a little interest in why I had laser work done. I am getting pm'd about it as well.
I am sooooo glad that I had it done.
This link is the testimonial that I wrote and also explains why I had it done.
The before and after pics in the last link only showed the progress that was made after the fifth treatment.
After the number of treatments I have had, I only have to shave about every 2 or 3 days now.
Funny thing is, since my wife works there, she is the one who got to do about half of the later number of treatments and also does the follow up treatments now.
Secretly, I think she enjoys it...she gets to inflict pain on me... HAHAHA!
edit to say: oops, I should have said that mine is the first testimonial on that link
Not me, I personally don't like them. I started smoking though, and wish I wouldn't have. JK
cereal killer
Love that
My son has grown a short beard with no moustache--I like it and don't even think of it as being out of place.
Hell, I grew a beard while I was still an elder.
No, they didn't like that very much, but by that time, I was already looking for a fight.
Can anyone tell me why it is acceptable in dubdom world to have a moustache but not a beard?
I always thought it was idiotic to allow a mustache but not a beard. My uncle has a mustache and no offense to him but every time I see him I think he's jumped straight out of a 70s porn video. His also reminds me of Reno 911, though he's not wearing the tight ass police shorts. Funny thing about me: I had a mustache during my younger years as a dub. Shaved it before I left.