For the men:

by changeling 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreeGirl2006

    Can anyone tell me why it is acceptable in dubdom world to have a moustache but not a beard?

  • becca1

    Yet another control issue.

  • Mincan

    Beards were one of the things that allowed me to see the Watchtower Corporation is full of BS, for obvious reasons and philosophical meanderings.

    You are damn straight I grew a full beard as soon as I left, in fact I stopped shaving the last week before I left, I love beards and have wanted to grow one since the age of 15 or so.

    I have let it grow out full beard several times, it looks alright considering I'm only 20. Right now I have an Egyptian style goat, very long and thin.

    (Sorry I'm a pogonophile, so I just have to make sure I let everyone know. A goatee refers only to the hair on the chin grown alone. When you combine it with a stache but they don't connect that is called a Van Dyke. If the stache and goatee connect, it is called a circle beard :D )

  • becca1

    Men have it really easy. Grow facial hair and show the WT where you stand (yet it's not a DFing offense so they're safe). What can women do that's on the same level?

  • lonelysheep
    By the way I love all you fuzzy faced guys!

    Me, too!

  • FreeGirl2006

    becca1--I once streaked my hair with a deep purple (I have light brown hair). Not much they could do about it...I even went out in service like that.

  • becca1

    Cool! Call me changeling.

  • Mincan

    Show more skin! :D

  • Mincan
    What can women do that's on the same level?

    Show more skin! :D

  • greendawn

    I was growing a beard even while a JW and no one seemed to mind it, how the JWs react to beards I think depends on the country or the region. In some cultures the beard is seen as a sign of spirituality eg the Orthodox priests and monks all have beards as a sign of sanctity as was also the case with the Jews.

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