Can anyone tell me why it is acceptable in dubdom world to have a moustache but not a beard?
For the men:
by changeling 74 Replies latest jw friends
Yet another control issue.
Beards were one of the things that allowed me to see the Watchtower Corporation is full of BS, for obvious reasons and philosophical meanderings.
You are damn straight I grew a full beard as soon as I left, in fact I stopped shaving the last week before I left, I love beards and have wanted to grow one since the age of 15 or so.
I have let it grow out full beard several times, it looks alright considering I'm only 20. Right now I have an Egyptian style goat, very long and thin.
(Sorry I'm a pogonophile, so I just have to make sure I let everyone know. A goatee refers only to the hair on the chin grown alone. When you combine it with a stache but they don't connect that is called a Van Dyke. If the stache and goatee connect, it is called a circle beard :D )
Men have it really easy. Grow facial hair and show the WT where you stand (yet it's not a DFing offense so they're safe). What can women do that's on the same level?
By the way I love all you fuzzy faced guys!
Me, too!
becca1--I once streaked my hair with a deep purple (I have light brown hair). Not much they could do about it...I even went out in service like that.
Cool! Call me changeling.
Show more skin! :D
What can women do that's on the same level?
Show more skin! :D
I was growing a beard even while a JW and no one seemed to mind it, how the JWs react to beards I think depends on the country or the region. In some cultures the beard is seen as a sign of spirituality eg the Orthodox priests and monks all have beards as a sign of sanctity as was also the case with the Jews.